Queer Eye's Jonathan Van Ness talks about harassment from Bernie supporters

Feb 25, 2020 11:48

This is the tweet a former Bernie staffer tweeted from a locked account. How many senior Bernie staffers saw these tweets for months and promoted their behavior? It’s commonplace I endure this by extreme Bernie supporters daily. The change has to come from inside their campaign. https://t.co/TyjKc6KGtW
- Jonathan Van Ness (@jvn) February 25, 2020

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lgbtq film / media, celebrity social media, lgbtq / rights, queer eye (netflix), health problems, politics

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champagnexdream February 25 2020, 17:43:36 UTC
If Bernie wants to win, he needs to change the culture on his campaign immediately. It’s blowing my mind that his supporters are even trying to defend this.

Same. I am more disgusted by the day. I was in another post being ripped apart for saying his followers are turning me off from him the other week, and like...OK.


save_me_xenu February 25 2020, 17:47:11 UTC
I remember once someone on here commented that they didn't really like Parks and Rec and they got a bunch of replies like, "That's totally fine. It's not for everyone. Your opinion is valid." And they replied that since the fans of Parks and Rec were so sweet, positive and encouraging that they were inspired to give the show another chance.

Bernie followers are the exact opposite of that. And frankly, it's top-down.


champagnexdream February 25 2020, 17:53:30 UTC
Aw lol I can see that. I am one of the people who gave it another shot actually and loved it. xD

Yeah...I worry. Because people have valid points about wanting to shake the Dem party and that's why they are so Bernie or Bust, but is using the presidential election worth the trade-off of what will likely happen if he doesn't win (another Trump presidency)? A lot of people seem to think so. I am not one of them.


angelgurl21 February 27 2020, 18:21:44 UTC
This is why I'm for Warren. She has progressive policies with ways to get them done. She's not perfect, nor is her campaign, but I think she's our best shot at getting rid of Trump.


fuckinmagnets February 25 2020, 17:55:26 UTC
This about healthcare and politics in general, not a TV show. People's lives are impacted by this, no one is gonna die if someone doesn't watch Parks & Rec. That staffer deserved to be fired and abusive language of any kind is inexcusable, but that comparison makes absolutely no sense.


girl_overboard February 25 2020, 18:03:16 UTC
Hostility is not gonna win you any votes.


fuckinmagnets February 25 2020, 18:14:16 UTC
If you need convincing that everyone deserves healthcare and a decent quality of life, then idk what to tell you. Pretty sure major changes don't happen by being soft and nice. People are angry and telling them their anger is unwarranted doesn't help, either. Personal attacks aren't helpful, but just because people are arguing with you doesn't you doesn't mean they're attacking you. Don't post on the internet if you don't your views to be questioned.


xtinkerbellax February 25 2020, 18:24:38 UTC
People love to disregard the fact that anger fuels change, if you're not angry you're more likely to be complacent. I hate when people write it off in any social or political movement, just because it's not their personal approach does not mean it's ineffective.


fuckinmagnets February 25 2020, 18:28:50 UTC
Exactly. The Democratic party constantly rolling over is part of how we got into this mess.


melancolour February 26 2020, 02:23:26 UTC
anger fuels ACTION, it doesn't fuel others into change. The reaction to being attacked is to defend or shut down. Anger is something good for an individual, especially to fight off despair-- it isn't a good messaging strategy or outreach strategy. Tapping into other people's anger is a much more delicate process than sharing or venting your own.


hypermuseic9 February 25 2020, 18:57:57 UTC
mte to this entire comment.


girl_overboard February 25 2020, 19:09:30 UTC
Hostility towards potential voters? Good luck with that presidency.


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girl_overboard February 25 2020, 19:27:18 UTC
There is no point. The joke against JVN is not how you push for change.


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