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bloody_morgan February 20 2020, 23:51:44 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)] Seven feels different. I'd like to see what she got up to in the years (decades?) between Voyager and Picard... )


beesknees7 February 21 2020, 01:28:04 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]I had my money on "She's an adroid, too", though, hm.

I suppose that could be, like a S2 twist. She's an android but doesn't know it. Because the naïveté and the questions are too much.


bloody_morgan February 21 2020, 18:50:06 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]yes, I can actually see that... randomly meeting her unknown twin and having an "oh shit" moment.

In that case, sideeye to Maddox for the implied relationship, though.. I know he wasn't a sympathetic character to begin with in TNG but the fact that Data then ultimately worked with him made me think more positively of him.


justen February 21 2020, 13:44:27 UTC
The thing that bothered me about [Spoiler (click to open)]Seven is that I can buy her getting to a point after so many years where she acts more human and more expressive, but because we've seen none of that journey, it feels jarring and disconnected from the Seven we last saw.

I liked the idea of Icheb appearing and am 100% down with him dying given that the actor playing him tweeted for people to lighten up re: Adam Rapp's accusations about Kevin Spacey. It just felt like we needed to see even just a little more as an audience to earn that death. Especially because we've no idea what things were like between Seven and Icheb after Voyager.

I think that's the biggest issue I have with this episode. I was okay with a lot of things but had to leap so many emotional chasms to get to them and wanted the show to provide at least a few more bridges.


bloody_morgan February 21 2020, 18:44:25 UTC
ia with all of this


nomorefrostbite February 22 2020, 00:56:58 UTC
omg wtf @ Manu!!! I've never liked him, he's such a shameless egomaniacal self-promoter. Not even that shocked he said some dark shit like that, he'd do anything for attention.


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