Investigating Heterosexuality: “Why Do Women Love Adam Driver?” by Elle Magazine

Feb 08, 2020 18:59

"One heterosexual source, a woman who asked to remain anonymous, tells me that Driver is the hottest Best Actor nominee this year. Antonio Banderas, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joaquin Phoenix, and Jonathan Pryce are also nominated." @jillboard writes:
- ELLE Magazine (US) (@ELLEmagazine) February 7, 2020
Investigative journalist for ( Read more... )

lgbtq film / media, adam driver, who asked for this, poll, discussion

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piratesswoop February 9 2020, 03:31:52 UTC
i find women fawning over adam driver as mind boggling as (probably the same) women who fawn over bennyhill chasemusic and alan rickman as snape. i do not get it.


sandstorm February 9 2020, 03:40:08 UTC
I haven't heard anyone call him Bennyhill Chasemusic in years and it got to me lmao


booksforlunch February 9 2020, 06:44:12 UTC
It's funny you mention Rickman as Snape because for the past few days youtube is trying to get me to watch a video about recasting Harry Potter and the still for it has Driver photoshopped as Snape.

Imagine the unholy union of Snapewives and Reylos.

(Also, while I have no attachment to Harry Potter I always thought Rowling insisting on British actors was cool, so fancasting an American made me shake my head.)


dropthecrates February 9 2020, 07:45:25 UTC
bennyhill chasemusic lsjdflkj


jamesdean February 9 2020, 08:47:59 UTC
add daryl dixon to that list. he's hideous to me.


maynardsong February 9 2020, 15:20:26 UTC
I super duper dug Rickman's performance as Snape, and I really loved Rickman's voice, like, a lot.
I STILL never wanted to fuck the man.
I feel like "really really like the man" and "want to fuck him" get too often conflated with women and I hate it so much.


sandstorm February 9 2020, 16:41:24 UTC
mte. I'm actually rereading the latter half of the series, and man am I a little annoyed i never got to hear Rickman go "I assure you, I did not beg for the job" re Teaching Harry Occlumency.


maynardsong February 9 2020, 18:27:42 UTC
I wanted to hear him say, "Shall I do it now, or would you like a moment to compose an epitaph?" (The verbiage is slightly different in the book Deathly Hallows, I remember redoing it in my head for econonmy of phrase.) I feel deprived.
I'm also irritated with movie 7.2 because they fridged Lavender whereas in the book, I had zero reason not to assume she survived Fenrir Greyback's attack (otherwise WTF was the point of having Hermione save her from him?). AND on top of that, her death that wasn't even in the text never got mentioned by Neville when he lists the dead. Not that JKR was feminist, but fandom and film-maker misogyny took it to a whole new level.


lreservoirldogs February 9 2020, 20:35:18 UTC
How dare you! It's yakety sax.


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