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jdnightghobhadi February 5 2020, 23:45:46 UTC
Gah, thanks love and THANK YOU for all your wonderful insight in the comments! <3

I don't know what it is, but it's so easy for some of us to feel ashamed that we don't have more unlike others. I'm not remotely on the breadline and won't pretend that I am (by the American definition, I'm lower-middle class), but my family never seems to have enough money for the things we need at times, no matter how hard we work and no matter the insurance my dad gets from his job at the MGM (but now that I'm over 25, I'm not under his plan anymore). My mum's a hairdresser and she makes a little more money at her new salon job than her old one (she was, unfortunately fired for a super petty reason) but yeah... the last three weeks, she has made NO tips. Early January, she was making more, but now, NOTHING. Unfortunately, public service jobs rely on tips and I remember seeing this extremely ignorant YouTube video about how we shouldn't tip waiters in America bc it's somehow disrespectful??? There was even a wank post here, I think last year about this too and it's like, you could tell which comments were from people that never had to depend on tips for their income.

Anyway, this sense of shame and humiliation around not being better off financially (if not necessarily rich), I'm trying to decide if a lot of that has to do with making shit tons of money equating success in Western culture?

I know multiple people who are waiting for their parents to kick the bucket so they can get their inheritance

Whoa, damn! Broadcast that BOLDLY to the world, people!


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