The View: Terry Crews, Paula Faris, Impeachapalooza, Hot Topics

Jan 23, 2020 17:06

Full Panel

Terry Crews

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Summary of conversation [Spoiler (click to open)]
Weird tie. Whoopi likes Brooklyn 99. Crews says twitter saved the show after it was cancelled from first network. Said cancellation was a shock. Then 24h later, twitter went manic, got picked up by NBC. Set internet on fire with his photo @ 51 yrs old. Said the internet doesn’t hold back, someone said he looked like a chewed up Tootsie Roll. Another said melted Kit Kat on their dashboard. Just celebrated 30 yrs anniversary with his wife. Talks about their party, Stevie Wonder sang. Talks about a different anniversary, tells story. Tears up a little. Sunny asks about his pick up lines back in the day. Crews said he had NO game. Shows old photo, he had hair! Talks about meeting his wife, thought he was in the friend-zone. He took his time, earned her respect.

Talks about AGT. Crews said this husband-wife duo 50 ft in the air, that was the best, plays clip. Sunny likes his background. Shows childhood photo. Gives advice, start small but dream big. Now in the age of social media, you compare your way out of your dream because it’s unrealistic. One good habit turns into another. Whoopi says you have to believe that you can, that you should, and that no one can tell you that you can’t.

Hot Topic #Impeachapalooza is Dumber Godfather© Stupider Watergate™

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Adam Schiff opened the case for impeachment. Plays clips excerpts. Whoopi wonders if this will force their hand. Joy wonders how do we look across a country who helped liberate Europe, who is now withholding information in this trial. It sickens her. McConnell works for us, we pay their bills. Sunny thinks AS did an incredible job. Drawing on her experience as a prosecutor, she saw uniform excellence across the board with the House Managers. Preparation, confidence, using T45 own words against him. Feels Americans watching were persuaded. 71% GOP want witnesses and documents. Only need 4 GOP Senators to vote for witnesses.

Me-again feels like she lives on a different planet. Hot take: We all wish you lived on a different planet, Me-again. Whoopi thinks, just as an American, if someone is on trial, should protocol be followed. Sunny cites the Constitution. Sunny says Schiff refers to the dishonesty of the election because T45 was impeached for trying to interfere with the next election.

[Process: House Managers get 3 days to present their case Wed-Fri]. Joy says Saturday, the defense starts their case so WH lawyers will scream, talk fast, pound things, be mad, throw tantrums, because that’s how you behave when you have nothing of substance to say. Joy says Schiff quoted a lot of the founding fathers, what does GOP have except Benedict Arnold. Name checks GOP who are leaving and roaming around. Sunny says T45 wanted the tv lawyers because he’s a horrible reality show failure, but Chief Roberts isn’t going to allow that. Thinks different type of decorum will be required. How will they attack the facts. Roberts just chastised on Wed for everyone to behave; meanwhile T45 in Davos called Nadler a sleaze bag and Schiff a con man. [stay classy!] Lindsey Graham said Schiff did a great job (how does he know, he was in the bathroom). Whoopi just wants everyone to do their jobs. Says even she spaces out on The View from time to time [loooool]. Rand Paul said there are 4-8 Senators who have open mind (surejan.gif).

Hot Topic Biden v Sanders

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Now it’s Biden v Sanders. Whoopi wonders when did passionate discourse become a bad thing. Discussion on gun control, Sanders voted against Brady Bill 5x. That is something that Democrats want to know more about. If you said things in the past, you have to address that.

Hot Topic Whoopi Loves Baby Guinan

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After yesterday’s surprise invite-announcement of Whoopi joining Picard for S2, Whoopi talks about a tweet from @StarTrek with little girl dressed as Guinan character. Shows photo, aww. Adorable and makes her happy. Talks Nichelle Nichols had done that for her. Maybe one day little girl will remember her as well.

Hot Topic Joey Says How YOU Doing?

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Whoopi says most of the time, a pick up line is the quickest way a guy can blow his chance with a lady. Elite Daily posted lines they think are underrated. Says some of them. Joy quotes one. Says they’re for young people, her age bracket would say can you drive at night. Sunny liked some of them. Whoopi thinks they’re like bad dad jokes. Somebody at a bar dropped a Pearl Harbor joke on Me-again and she schooled them because OF COURSE. Panel jokes more about pick up lines. Whoopi doesn’t get most of them, says it’s the reason she’s still single.

Hot Topic Paula Faris Podcast

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Paula Faris talks about her podcast Journeys of Faith. idontknowher.gif
She got a tattoo on her inner wrist. Be Still with a small cross. Be present. Be in the moment. People thought it was upside down, but PF says it’s for her not other people. Tough time starting in fall 2017. Miscarriage. Concussion from apple thrown at her. Got in a head-on car crash. Gets the flu, which turned into pneumonia. Walked away from her career to get her life back on track. Talked with her daughter about her miscarriage. She had another this last July. Wanted 4 children. She’s had three healthy pregnancies, and three miscarriages. Gives details how she talked to her daughter. She’s 12, the oldest, then there are two younger boys. Talks podcast. Candidates come on and talk about their spirituality. Talks about Booker and Ted Cruz. Joy asks how does Cruz reconcile family separation, PF says he doesn’t agree with that, spoke out about it.

Hot Topic Replace Me-again McCain™

Every day I’m putting this out there in the universe. Listen to me, universe, listen to me.

Ontd what's the corniest pick up line you've heard?

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the view (abc), television - abc, religion, brooklyn nine-nine (nbc), star trek, politics, television, podcasts, television - morning / daytime, actor / actress
