Even more scoop from Jessica Simpson's upcoming book

Jan 22, 2020 19:11

Here's the earlier ONTD post about her admitting she was sexually abused, discussing her weight, and her alcohol addiction

Jessica says Nick had no reason to be “blindsided” by the divorce and spills on Mayer’s “Sexual napalm” comments in more tell-all excerpts (via @toofab)https://t.co/uSmGehnQGw
- TMZ (@TMZ) January 22, 2020

-She had been with Nick Lachey for 7 years when she said she wanted a divorce. He told the press he was blindsided but she says they weren't speaking to each other. "Maybe he was just shocked that I stood up for myself. I don't think he ever thought I would take the leap."

-She says she met John Mayer at a Grammy party in February 2005 and he sent increasingly intimate messages to her. She wasn't even divorced, but once she was, he made his move. John told her he was obsessed with her sexually and emotionally, but she never felt adequate with him and was afraid to disappoint him.

-John Mayer broke up with her via email but it was really over once he called her a sexual napalm. "He thought that was what I wanted to be called," she recalled. "I was floored and embarrassed that my grandmother was actually gonna read that.


john mayer, books / authors, jessica simpson
