Life After Lockup 3.2 "Papa Smurf is Getting Ready to Throw Bows" Recap

Jan 11, 2020 13:23

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- Sister Rogue Veneer comes to visit after Rogue Veneer kicks Runaway Bride Tony out of the house. He was trading motel rooms for handies. Sis is right, love is overrated.
- The Sensible One talks with Misogylino about getting a real job because they are dealing with lots of expenses including attorneys fees and a new baby. She wants him, a poker player, to get some sort of stable income.
- The Vh1 Doppleganger and Malicious Wounder with a Heart of Gold are homeowners
- Compton Mormon Lamar is off parole!!!!!!!!!!!!! He misses the Prison Closet Fucker and she's pissed that he's in LA. Also shouts out to Tennyson who can make a fortune narrating books - kid is sharp.
- Papa Smurf meets Illiterate TV Villain Michael to confront him about misleading his daughter, Moronic Megan
- Dickhead, you are 30 fucking years old, not 19 - your father should not be your bullshit meter, that's not his job anymore
- Misogylino used to be a model and is now going to a recruiter to get back in the workforce. He is not a good interviewer and the recruiter with two first names calls him out on his BS
- Lamar touches down to fucking Utah and Prison Closet Fucker who is not a good Mormon sees the freaking LDS cult looking like they're about to visit the University of Wisconsin. She wants Lamar to convert but ain't with it. She gonna kidnap him again.
- In what seems to be an obvious scripted scenario, MWwaHOG reads texts on Daisy's phone about her other inmate boyfriend
- Soooo Sarah and Escaping Blaccent gots Michael got - sort of. She pays hs phone bill and can see all the calls he's made to other women (Not just Moronic Megan) and not his children. She also has access to his bank statements so she can see that Michael receives money from women but he has yet to send any to his children
- Rogue Veneer is burning up Runaway Bride's shit and OP is here for it (although this probably set up by production too)


This episode has been brought to you by Sprint if you wanted to get back at your philandering husband, you should've signed up with Sprint - you ain't getting no calls connected.

you in danger, reality show, marriage / wedding, television, divorce
