Burt Ward, the Actor Who Played Robin, Was Told to Take Pills to Shrink His Penis

Jan 10, 2020 20:46

People tend to give the character Robin a hard time for being the sidekick to Batman. But Burt Ward, the actor who played Robin on TV, was apparently given a hard time for something else that's hard. The actor was told to take pills to shrink his large bulge!

“They thought that Robin had a very large bulge for television."

"I took [the pills] for three days and then I decided that they can probably keep me from having children... I just used my cape to cover it.” ("It" being his monster bulge.)

Here, Burt shows off the majesty of his bulge. He uses the lemon-yellow cape almost as a stage curtain, or a spotlight, to highlight the gorgeous curves and projection of his dong.

In this photo, the bulge is highlighted by half light and half shadow, a dramatic chiaroscuro effect that Leonardo da Vinci would admire. The mysterious shadows on the lower half of the bulge draw your eye to it, making you wonder what lies in its concealed depths.

It's a good thing that you can't see his bulge in this photo with Julie Newmar as Catwoman! If you could, its massive eroticism would probably make you swoon and poke your eye out.

In this photo, he wields a megaphone almost as a weapon... or an erotic sex toy. You can imagine the cord of the megaphone as a leather strap wrapping around his manhood.

This is probably what Robin would look like if you were lying on the bed, waiting for him to take you, and he was observing you, planning the first move of seduction.

In this photo, Adam West is covering his package, clearly ashamed of his smaller bulge.



1960s, batman, television - abc, sexy, dc comics, actor / actress
