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evangelion January 4 2020, 23:16:53 UTC
She's said some dumb stuff but she's also been under the microscope for 20 years. She seems to actually listen when criticism is launched her way and try to grow which unfortunately feels rare no matter which part of the world you're looking into. :\

I respect her for actually putting the work into furthering educating herself when that criticism comes and giving a shit about feminism for the long haul instead of just signing up for the disastrous #HeForShe UN thing (her speech for that was great. the roll-out itself was a trainwreck), then bouncing after some feel good PR like many.

women's issues can be so frustrating to deal with because no matter how loud we are, there's a huge segment of the world who downright will never care. i probably would have given up or felt defeated by now if i were in her shoes tbh so i think it's cool that she hasn't. overall she has some blind spots but she's harmless so idk i'm just curious to see what she'll continue to be doing in the future, though I def prefer her to stay involved in activism than return to acting.

her interview with paris lees was great. i wound up watching the whole dang thing a while back lol.


jdnightghobhadi January 5 2020, 03:01:55 UTC
That's a fair view and I do mention in the post that Emma does use her large platform to help minorities and she really took the criticisms she received in 2014 (?) seriously in order to better herself. That's why I included her letter for her Goodreads book club because to me, that was an early sign of her growth. Like, she still has a lot of work to do (i.e. tax evasion) but I think she's heading in the right direction. Also, I do sympathize with her as a child star who has been sexualized since she was a legit child (and I'm still upset when I think how she was sexually harassed by the paparazzi when she was 18). I would have cracked looong ago if I had her life. We all said dumb shit. I bet every one of us on ONTD would cringe at the crap we used to say and think as teens (I sure as hell do). Emma's words, unfortunately, are immortalized in print. Maybe I'm too soft, but I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. She still has a lot to learn and if she put on less of a performance in some of her interviews (although I understand why; she has a certain image to maintain which has been present since she was 10), I think she'd be more likable. But that's just a nitpick.

I feel you on women's issues. I would be a feminist 24/7 if it weren't for depression. It's exhausting and I commend her for sticking to it. I can see her doing activism as a full-time career by the time she's 39. Acting just doesn't seem to be a real passion for her and that's okay. People may call her a failure if she retires from acting and I think she continues to do it because of personal insecurities and an obligation, but she seems so happy doing activism. She doesn't owe anybody anything and if acting isn't for her, so be it. She won't be a failure if she leaves the industry.


talklikelions January 5 2020, 06:47:01 UTC

IA acting seems to be eh to her. I’ve felt for a few years now that it’s something she does when a project she can’t turn down comes up, and it’s kind of hobby like to her, but her passions lie in activism and art.


jdnightghobhadi January 5 2020, 21:22:44 UTC
Right? She wouldn't even have been in Little Women this year if Emma Stone hadn't dropped out!


talklikelions January 5 2020, 21:26:42 UTC
Which...imagine a role like that being something that just lands in your lap? I may be a wee bit jealous haha


jdnightghobhadi January 5 2020, 22:03:05 UTC
I don't blame you, honestly. She is truly living her best life!


evangelion January 21 2020, 03:48:37 UTC
sorry i don't check my notifications often so am just seeing this!

imo uhhh yeah she should def leave acting. the book and activism stuff seems to make her really happy and it's not like she's ever going to lose her cultural relevance since harry potter was such a huge thing. I'm glad the main three Potter kids didn't grow up into douchebags. They seem to just be doing their own thing which is chill.


jdnightghobhadi January 21 2020, 04:30:10 UTC
That's all right, sis. It's never too late lol.

IA. Of course, each of them have struggled with their massive fame in their own way. DanRad has been incredibly candid about his alcoholism and losing his virginity young. Rupert even said somewhere he never watched the other films after the first one bc as a pre-teen/teen, it was too awkward. Emma was horrified the morning after the upskirt pap pics. But despite all that, they all seem lovely and level-headed in their own ways and are currently living their best lives. I wish the best for them.


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