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kels December 9 2019, 05:36:07 UTC
She's been briefly mentioned a few times.


scarletkittygrl December 9 2019, 08:52:48 UTC
they've acknowledged that she did exist and now she's not there - as in she tried to call someone's phone in the first episode... this episode ian thought that debbie took fiona's old room (and now it's liam's room).. it's nice they've kept her in the show without her being onscreen, but i am hoping that she makes an appearance at some point.
she really was the heart of the show, and while it's nice to give the others screentime and more material - they've all grown a LOT as actors - she was so central to the functioning of the show as a whole, it's obvious to me that she's sorely missed.


kary1591 December 9 2019, 19:30:25 UTC
What was the route they went with to write her out?


karebear82 December 10 2019, 00:03:01 UTC
The equity in her building came through, so she took the cash and ran away with everyone's blessing. She left Debbie a bunch of money for the family.


scarletkittygrl December 10 2019, 10:01:18 UTC
i liked the way it was written, the building she had in seasons 8 + 9 (i think?), her investment in that came back to her - she was working in a gas station and her former collegue came in to pay for gas and told her "hey xyz deal came through let's cut you a check" and all the sudden she had $100,000. i would have enjoyed the storyline not being as smushed up at the end for her (after circling the drain all of season 9 it felt like the money fell into her lap and suddenly she wasnt fucked up anymore and moved on with her life) but it seemed like a natural choice. if she'd stayed in southside chicago it'd just continue the cycle of bullshit.
i DO hope we get an actual update on her character. so far we dont even know where she went to. i think it's safe to assume she's ok, at least they had her calling a phone so we know she's alive. i definitely miss her character though.


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