Daisy Ridley doesn't understand privilege

Dec 07, 2019 13:56

Daisy Ridley: ‘JJ Abrams warned me that Star Wars is a religion’ https://t.co/og9MN1oAeA
- The Guardian (@guardian) December 7, 2019

This is a great example of what challenging an interview subject instead of deferring to their press releases looks like pic.twitter.com/mv4dPyUpng
- A pair of Chloe shades and a diamond belly ring (@nthnashma) Read more... )

john boyega, disney, photo shoot, british celebrities, interview, star wars, daisy ridley, actor / actress

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qaladriel December 7 2019, 15:16:13 UTC
that argument is just so dumb bc 1) who doesn't think their parents work hard under most circumstances 2) 'hard' jobs do not by their nature = better pay. a job is harder if you're slaving away for fuck all


xtinkerbellax December 7 2019, 15:36:23 UTC
Yea I hate when people talk about their parents working hard to get what they have or they themselves working hard because it always sounds like it implies that people who don't have money or are struggling aren't also working hard. Most people are, but hard work does not necessarily result in a monetary reward which is something people a lot of people really do not seem to grasp.


starsandcrosses December 7 2019, 16:38:04 UTC
so well put, ia


my_moloko December 7 2019, 17:24:32 UTC


msbombtastic December 7 2019, 15:20:45 UTC
Yeah that's why I usually don't like them tbh lmao. I feel like they try too hard in their acting idk and can't let themselves truly go in roles that aren't 'posh'


saemcrh December 7 2019, 15:26:23 UTC
This is why I love Jack O’Connell.


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xtinkerbellax December 7 2019, 15:38:36 UTC
Yea there are people who are great on stage but not so great on film, it's a totally different kind of acting imo. I feel like sometimes they just can't tone it down and lack subtly.


lawofcosines December 7 2019, 15:49:22 UTC
and they get their experience because being in those posh schools means their names are in that wealth circle already, they can afford to do nothing while waiting on roles


msbombtastic December 7 2019, 16:11:19 UTC
Yeah it sucks imo. Just not for me. And I don't really like British content...@ me bitches !!


zazie_toujours December 7 2019, 18:22:12 UTC
i'll @ u to say i was a total teaboo when i was younger and british comedy and cinema genuinely had a strong, diverse and thriving working class/lower middle class voice. i thought nobody made better tv and film than the brits.

that voice is almost completely gone now and in the year of our lord 2019 i dgaf about any shows or comedy from britain. sad


coquettishkat December 7 2019, 21:07:54 UTC
omg "teaboo" is killing me lmaoo


rememberorbeli December 8 2019, 06:57:53 UTC
i'm gonna start using teaboo instead of anglophile lmao, it sounds way more embarrassing


angstandennui December 7 2019, 16:04:32 UTC
Isn’t Cumberbatch the same actor who said he was “trapped in a prison of wealth and privilege” 🙄


qaladriel December 7 2019, 17:00:30 UTC
he also said that he experienced discrimination for being posh


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