David attended a Fleetwood Mac concert in San Francisco and got to hang out with Emilia backstage.
https://instagram.com/p/B5L9nFXhY97 David also had photos taken with several Fleetwood Mac members, including Stevie Nicks.
https://instagram.com/p/B5JfV4-hQS8 Stevie Nicks stopped in the middle of the concert to hug Emilia while David Beckham was registring everything
Stevie Nicks, one of the greatest musicians of all time, just told Emilia “you were my favorite”. You be the judge of it 💋
https://t.co/UCWV61VZNu- Nick (@conqeurordany)
November 22, 2019 https://instagram.com/p/B5L16n0l671 source :