“The Report” tries to set the record straight on CIA’s torture program (and “Zero Dark Thirty”)

Nov 15, 2019 23:43

Why we need more movies like The Report and less like Zero Dark Thirty https://t.co/gl4AN3rmDk
- Little White Lies (@LWLies) November 12, 2019

Five years after “Zero Dark Thirty” confused the connection between the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program and the capture of Osama bin Laden, the political thriller “The Report” aims to serve as a corrective.https://t.co/vOTdDoJQqD
- AP Entertainment (@APEntertainment) November 13, 2019

- The Report is a film by Scott Z. Burns (Contagion, An Inconvenient Truth) about the long process of investigation into the CIA’s “Enhanced Interview Techniques”, its unlawfulness, cruelty and ultimate uselessness;

- It’s a meticulous and compelling portrayal of how the Senate report came to be;

- The film makes brief mentions of Zero Dark Thirty and the show 24 (specially the latter’s gleeful portrayal of torture and its supposed effectiveness).

The Report is out in select theaters now, and starts streaming on Amazon Prime November 29th.

Ontd, what were your thoughts on the controversy surrounding ZDT back when it came out? Do you think Bigelow or Mark Boal (specially him) regret the whole thing?

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film, amazon, adam driver, politics, film - drama
