Celebs React to the Getty Fire

Oct 28, 2019 08:01

This video shocked me this morning. Taken just a few hours ago on a route I drive often. The 405 near Getty. So scary. Blessings and safety to all those touched in any way by the fires in my beloved home state of California. Stay safe, folks. Be prepared and take precautions. https://t.co/HxPYU7yyPw
- Ava DuVernay (@ava) October 28, 2019
Ava DuVernay ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, celebrity reactions, ava duvernay, sports / athletes - basketball, actor / actress

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lolzerz October 28 2019, 15:46:30 UTC
theres the kincade fire in northern california rn too.
im from the bay area and growing up we never had fires or even heard about nearby fires. the past 3 years my parents have been evacuated 4 times. and my sisters have young kids living there, breathing in that air and missing weeks of school. i keep begging them to leave california its truly become a disaster zone.


dumpweeds October 28 2019, 15:52:03 UTC
Yeah I live in the bay rn and I don’t even remember it being this hot in October.


veritas_44 October 28 2019, 15:55:50 UTC
You're right to be concerned but where are you living that natural disasters aren't a concern?


bellwetherr October 28 2019, 16:11:56 UTC
there are definitely parts of the US that don't really deal with this at the regularity that california has been dealing with it recently


veritas_44 October 28 2019, 16:23:48 UTC
I mean, I guess you can play the Natural Disaster Olympics but that doesn't change that they do happen all across the country and it's all starting to be a regular occurrence.


elderpricely October 28 2019, 16:25:54 UTC
it's not really "National Disaster Olympics" when you specifically asked about places that have fewer natural disasters.


bellwetherr October 28 2019, 16:32:18 UTC
yikes at this comment tbh


lolzerz October 28 2019, 16:26:46 UTC
i live in colorado now, and the states get fires, snow, tornadoes, etc but where i live no one has ever been evacuated for anything, and our weather is actually pretty mild. 'natural disasters' are uncommon.


veritas_44 October 28 2019, 16:28:12 UTC
lol k


lolzerz October 28 2019, 16:32:30 UTC
lol are you a mad californian or something? where my family lives they are still reworking the city from a horrible earthquake that happened 5 years ago. this month they had 5 days of no electricity. the air is complete shit for months on end in the fall, they require face masks. last year my niece's school burned down and she basically missed an entire year of academia. none of this shit happens in most states, especially every single year. you still love your precious golden state orrr?


veritas_44 October 28 2019, 16:34:01 UTC
I'm in south Louisiana, who has been through Katrina, with friends and family in LA who are currently evacuated 🙃


lolzerz October 28 2019, 16:42:44 UTC
Okay so you understand that California one of the few states that regularly evacuates its residents. Thats why i dont want my family with young kids living there anymore.


veritas_44 October 28 2019, 16:54:31 UTC
Again, I get the concern for your family. It's just weird to me that anyone thinks where they live is an exemption from disasters. But I digress.

My comments came across as though I was minimizing why you would worry about your family and for that, I was wrong.


tucker October 28 2019, 16:47:51 UTC
no need to be unpleasant


suicida1poptart October 28 2019, 16:29:13 UTC
New England. tornados/hurricanes/earthquakes are rare and generally relatively weak here. brush fire even more rare. we get snowstorms, sometimes blizzards but typically are equipped to handle them.


veritas_44 October 28 2019, 16:32:52 UTC
Didn't millions lose power in a snowstorm last year? And people died?

Or am I thinking of a different area?


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