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maltwhitman October 18 2019, 03:47:53 UTC
Shut up Gram Norton!!! LET THE WOMEN VIBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


friarsfire October 18 2019, 03:49:03 UTC
Logged in just so I could comment to this effect. Not their fault you didn’t know how to direct a conversation.


bleuvelvet October 18 2019, 04:13:28 UTC
The Ocean's 8 episode was great I'm surprised tbh.


solsty October 18 2019, 04:29:44 UTC
I could tell he was a little annoyed, but I loved that episode! They were all really funny and charming.


kidviciousdonna October 18 2019, 04:31:00 UTC
Agreed, I’m disappointed he said this


hereforthedrama October 18 2019, 06:20:34 UTC
Mte, especially while Jonny Depp remains a black hole of charisma that completely brings down any room he's in, on top of being an abuser.


weighty_ghost October 18 2019, 11:55:16 UTC
I mean, it’s the hosts job to not just interview but to drive the ship. He has a list of things to hit/do and if he can’t, I can see it being frustrating


gorlplz October 18 2019, 13:13:39 UTC
komnene October 18 2019, 13:31:14 UTC
Maybe I'm biased because I love Graham, but I can understand as a host how he might say "these women were clearly great friends who enjoy each other's company but the way they were interacting wasn't conducive to a chat show format." I dunno, if it was anyone else I'd be more iffy, but I trust Graham in his craft.


vespertinev October 18 2019, 17:59:15 UTC
But the episode is great?


kris_terror October 18 2019, 20:08:52 UTC
True but there might have been a lot of it cut that we didn't see where maybe their chatting amongst themselves wasn't gelling as well?


deja_vu822 October 18 2019, 14:23:15 UTC
yeah his answers were the worst lol. like, okay they're maybe bad guests but at least they're not being awful people


quiet_storm October 18 2019, 18:59:32 UTC
I thought it was the men’s one until seeing this comment and now I’m annoyed by the hen party comment 🙄🙄🙄 x infinity


speedychi October 24 2019, 02:32:35 UTC


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