32 Pics Submitted For Animated Feature Race

Oct 16, 2019 13:05

Oscars: 32 Pics Submitted For Animated Feature Race https://t.co/YIGTzwbwLX pic.twitter.com/MYjrk8Iqds
- Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) October 16, 2019

It's the most exciting category of the Oscars...kind of.

With a slew of boring, mainstream junk in the mix, there have been 32 Animated Features submitted for the race - Here are a handful;

Indies ( Read more... )

award show - academy awards, animation

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houndooms October 16 2019, 19:22:59 UTC
Oh I'm glad Klaus is submitted. The plot could be a dud but it would be nice to see a project like that be recognized.

Who will win?
Frozen. I've seen spoilers for it. Nobody talked about Toy Story 4.


bttrsondaughter October 16 2019, 19:48:40 UTC
what are the spoilers?


houndooms October 16 2019, 19:55:44 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]Elsa becomes a god/spirit/the real "snow queen" and leaves Arendelle to maintain balance between humans and nature. Anna becomes queen. Olaf literally fucking dies at one point. Their mom may or may not be an amnesiac from the Northulda tribe, and might be that little girl from the first teaser. Hans shows up in some way. They do explain where Elsa's powers came from but everything's been really vague because most of the supplementary material ends the story at the same point. Elsa gets some snow queen glo-up that Disney is working really hard to keep secret. Everyone, including Anna, might think Elsa is dead up until Anna sees her near the end of the movie.

A lot of it is disconnected but the basic gist of it seems to be Elsa becomes a diety of some kind and she and Anna end the movie separated.


bttrsondaughter October 16 2019, 20:01:51 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)] lol @ the olaf bit. it sucks that they end up separated, i really liked the sisterly relationship between anna and elsa. but these spoilers make me more interested in seeing the movie


sandstorm October 16 2019, 20:19:31 UTC
Why did I have a feeling [Spoiler (click to open)] the separation was going to happen lmao ok, NEGL, NOW I want to see this for myself.


surprisesidney October 16 2019, 20:17:32 UTC
Toy Story 4 was critically acclaimed and made over a billion dollars.......


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