Rihanna responds to the Vogue cover controversy

Oct 13, 2019 14:12

Last week, there was backlash to a Vogue writer's admission that she had come to her Rihanna interview unprepared.

In the piece, writer Abby Aguirre had written: "Normally I bring a list of questions, but I didn’t have time to prepare one, which I make a split-second decision to confess. “I’m winging it, so you have to help me,” I say nervously. ( Read more... )

magazine covers and articles, black celebrities, rihanna

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Comments 56

totteringg October 13 2019, 21:32:48 UTC
Didn't Rihanna's team move the interview date up in the first place? Of course she was fine with it. She also probably was asked fewer questions that she was interested in avoiding.


glitterslugs October 13 2019, 21:33:33 UTC
She was prepared, the whole thing was just meant to be a throaway cute annecdote in the article but the internet needed to be mad at a sentance that day


champagnemami October 13 2019, 21:34:48 UTC
It also seemed to be written to showcase how chill Rihanna is about things.


glitterslugs October 13 2019, 21:39:31 UTC
Exactly, it was written like a story i cannot @ these failed writers causing an actual storm abt this


rhapsodeeinblue October 13 2019, 22:04:01 UTC
This, imo it was mentioned just for the Rihanna quote.


champagnemami October 13 2019, 21:33:48 UTC
People being more offended than the person who was actually in the situation? Color me shocked!!!!


trancexperiment October 14 2019, 00:49:38 UTC
It was all other journalists, lbr they were just bitter Bettys that they weren’t the one to interview her


corgismiles October 13 2019, 21:36:17 UTC
Was this actually a controversy or was it like three people on Twitter who saw a chance to grab their 15 minutes of fame by overanalyzing a somewhat poorly worded throwaway comment in an article?


gumby October 13 2019, 21:37:15 UTC
um it was way more than 3 ppl lol


totteringg October 13 2019, 21:46:11 UTC
I think there were a lot of twitter journalists who were going on and on about how they would never do an interview without being perfectly prepared.


evangelion October 14 2019, 07:12:43 UTC
i interview celebrities/other people and it typically takes about an hour or two to do research and draft questions up. sometimes you work with people who don't have much info on them out there so you've got to go more conversational and find the story as you go along.

while it's crazy to jump into an interview with someone at her level from vogue without having a general direction already in mind, someone that's experienced and already has various life questions in their arsenal they can utilize should be able to navigate it just fine if they're not restricted to a very limited window.

like.... it's honestly not that serious guys. it's an article. there's way more important work out there people are doing, and to be able to do something enjoyable and get paid for it is a damn privilege.


spiral_mystik October 13 2019, 21:42:30 UTC
That was a controversy, are you kidding me?


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