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Comments 44

inkstainedlips October 10 2019, 21:02:23 UTC
Today's news about Rudy's buddies is wild.


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inkstainedlips October 10 2019, 22:31:51 UTC
lol of course it's Florida


carolinalily October 10 2019, 22:23:31 UTC
Barr met with Murdoch last night

Separate but probably related

Barr tipped off Tr,mp
Tr,mp tipped off Rudy
Rudy tipped off his buddies
Busdies didn’t escape fast enough


fauxkaren October 10 2019, 21:04:23 UTC
Sooo Rick Perry just got subpoenaed for some documents. I wonder what dirt his useless ass has on Trump.

Also the two associates of Rudy who got arrested trying to flee the country. Like???? This is wild.


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la_petite_singe October 10 2019, 21:15:03 UTC
lol yiiiiiikes. Someone should reply to her team like "copyright strikes aren't very KIND, you know!"


polynucleotide October 10 2019, 21:16:48 UTC
i hope shes seething but i feel bad for the team members who are getting nonstop verbally abused over this.


gumby October 10 2019, 23:34:20 UTC
If she hadn’t made that stupid ass speech she would’ve gotten away with being next to that war criminal, too. Glad her pathetic ass just dug the hole even further tho!


la_petite_singe October 10 2019, 21:13:55 UTC
Joy said she didn’t want to get to know Bush43 because he seems likable, but if you lost a child in Iraq, then maybe you don’t like him so much

...or...you could care about other human beings and be upset about what he did whether it directly affected your family or not??? How can he be "likable" to anyone?! Maybe that's not exactly what she meant, but I HATE that mindset so much. It's just another version of the "as the father of a daughter" thing.


dreamdate October 10 2019, 21:19:27 UTC
well we'd be ignoring a very big truth in that people tend to care the most when directly affected by something. it doesn't mean those people don't have compassion or empathy for a situation, but it hits you a different way when you're someone who's lost someone in that war. i agree that there should be a sense of anger across the board, whether you lost or not, but not everyone operates like that. what joy was saying is that bush now comes off as this harmless, somewhat charming, goofy old-man, so it would be easy for some people to forget the awful things he did.


aristobrit October 11 2019, 01:33:03 UTC
Maybe she was trying to personalize it rather than just screaming that he's a war criminal. People get turned off by generalities and can relate to issues better when they can see it as part of their own life.

It's just a different way of saying he's a war criminal and it could be one of your kids he got killed.


dreamdate October 10 2019, 21:16:38 UTC
I find Abby utterly useless in this show. It's truly nothing personal, but at least Sarah came with facts and a really intelligent response to things while you can tell Abby very much lives in her own bubble of privilege where she can't fathom why people don't wanna hold hands and make nice with corrupt leaders. Meghan is a true brat through and through, and I can't stand how she presents herself as being the one trying to teach people how to do politics right and speaking for a portion of the country that she can't even relate to on the most basic of levels, but she does know some stuff. She was a lot today, pls stop screaming, it doesn't make you right or the most important voice in the room.


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