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trich_tangents October 2 2019, 19:50:55 UTC
Ugh, I was raised Catholic but am agnostic/borderline atheist now. Religion is gross. I’m currently in an American history class called “Prophets, Sects, and Cults.” They’re all crazy. This week we were talking about our reading on Mormonism and I think I offended a girl when I said Mormons were crazy. But it was okay when someone else said Christian Scientists are crazy a few minutes earlier? I think they’re all pretty crazy and can be toxic and harmful, but we were specifically talking about Mormons. It was weird.


urfad October 2 2019, 19:57:57 UTC
That seems like an interesting class.


trich_tangents October 2 2019, 20:02:48 UTC
So far it is!


mhfromnh October 2 2019, 20:05:56 UTC
Joseph Smith was called a prophet DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB


xtinkerbellax October 2 2019, 20:21:24 UTC
People want to pretend their religion is the exception to the rule but they're all variations of the same shit.


laurondo October 2 2019, 22:04:46 UTC
This is what I think too. It's why I'm agnostic. I believe something's out there, I just don't believe anyone actually knows WHAT it is. That's why religion seems asinine to me.


scoundreldays October 2 2019, 20:38:45 UTC
I am a regular reader of the r/exmormon subreddit and some of the stories are so wild to me, just crazy what people are doing in 2019.


rubie_dubidoux October 3 2019, 01:29:53 UTC
I mean, in an academic setting it's generally not ok to just call something like that crazy lol. both you and the person who said it about Christian Scientists are in the wrong tbh

(I say this because I started to imply the same thing about Jehovah's Witnesses in a similar class once and the professor rightfully chewed me out for it)


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