The View: Capt. Mark Kelly, Hot Topics

Sep 25, 2019 15:00

Astronaut and 2020 Senate Candidate (D-AZ) Capt. Mark Kelly

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Icymi Gabby Giffords was the House Rep (D-AZ) who was shot and nearly killed thanks to Sarah I can see Russia from my house Palin rhetoric on guns and Democrats. She’s married to Mark Kelly, former Navy combat veteran and astronaut. Kelly is campaigning to take the Senate seat vacated by (wait for it) John McCain.

Summary of conversation [Spoiler (click to open)]
[MM is surprisingly calm and respectful in this segment]

MyFather™ but tbf it was correct usage in the sentence 😃
Shows photo of Giffords and Kelly. MM wants to know what prompted him to run for office. Kelly starts off with nicey nice things about John McCain. Discusses what his drivers are, and how they relate to what he believes is important specifically to AZ. Abby asks about Gabby, he talks about her recovery, does her Tour de Tucson. Abby wonders if it gives him pause, after what happened to her. He discusses his mindset, says the things he faced in war and space, still Gabby faced worse. Whoopi wants to talk about climate change. Kelly geeks out about being in space (cute). He went into space 4 times, talks about the changes he saw of earth from space.

Sunny asks about violence threat to Kelly from AZ RNC Chair in opposition campaign email. Kelly talks about handling that. Joy brings up gun control, asks his opinion on Beto remark re/gun buy-back. Kelly talks about guns he owns, uses, some were inherited from family. Said he supports gun control issues that are broadly agreed upon, not necessarily buying back guns. MM brings up Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), is she too moderate or is he too moderate. Sunny asks about impeachment, short version-he supports inquiry. Says he swore an oath to the US. Rule of law is paramount.

Hot Topic #TrumpImpeachment is Dumber Godfather© Stupider Watergate™

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Plays clip. Pelosi announces impeachment investigation. Plays clip. TRE45ON garbles word salad about impeaching Democrats. Transcript Summary memo reveals exactly what we had already been informed, somehow GOP thinks it's exonerating. TRE45ON bashes the Ambassador (what a loser to do that, he’s an awful ~leader), and bashes Biden, asks for foreign help investigating.

MM talks about previous impeachments [only 4 inquiries in history of nation, but only 3 came to House floor vote, because Nixon resigned before a House floor vote occurred]. MM lists poor polling of impeachment in swing states. Best recipient of news has been Warren who has passed Biden in polls due to Biden’s name related to TRE45ON smear campaign. Joy says nobody was for it during Nixon but most people aren’t political junkies and haven’t been dialed in to this. Once hearings start and more media attention, people come around. [Abby and MM need to stop, because they’re more worried about holding hands and singing kumbaya than holding this mobbed up grifter criminal cretin accountable for his eleventy billion crimes and unethical behavior.]

Sunny reads key points in the transcript summary memo, it’s in plain sight, ends with TRE45ON promising Ukraine a good ~economy. [It’s total mob-speak] Asks for a ~favor. Drops Mueller, Biden, Giuliani, Barr names. And let’s not forget that Manafort is currently in a jail cell re/his corruption with Ukraine. MM brings up McConnell. Sunny doesn’t think the GOP will vote to remove. Abby wonders why Congress isn’t voting now. Because there is a process (?!). Nobody really believes that TRE45ON will leave the WH in handcuffs. Due process matters.

You can read the summary memo here (it is not a transcript), it’s not long (and in no way represents a 30 min phone call, but whatever). You can also read a quick 3 minute explainer that connects dots to TRE45ON words with facts and implications.

Hot Topic Demi Moore is Saying Things to Sell Things

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Whoopi brings up Demi book, her claim that to appease Ashton’s fantasy, she agreed to a threesome, only for him to use that for cheating rationalization. Panel discusses threesomes, they say nope but Whoopi is silent (😲). Brings up Tommy Lee (paraphrasing) remark that threesomes never turn out the way you think they do, take his advice (don’t do it).

[No mention of Jon Cryer. DM didn’t fact check that, or knowingly lied, so how much of the rest is true?]

Hot Topic The View Family Tree from MyHeritage

Slow View Intern hasn’t uploaded this clip yet, here’s another video queued to start at the right segment 28:35

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Yvette Corporon joins from MyHeritage. Site hosts 10B historical records. Kinda boring, The View did a show (during summer?) that already included family lineage.

Sunny. Found her grandfather’s birth certificate, born in Puerto Rico, some details on his life. Great grandparents living in GA with 7 children, had more. Couldn’t read or write and no children in school. Then by the 1940s, children were in school. Later, Sunny wondered about her education, they weren’t slaves but were sharecroppers, and then eventually were able to school their children from the 1940s.

Joy. Mostly Italian. Both from southern Italy. From Calabria, then some family moved north to Turino. Found Ellis Island records. Joy tells story about her grandma being a drama queen.

Abby. She’s one of 55 cousins. Family tree goes back 8 generations. Her 5x great grandfather born in 1778, found his gravestone with a photo in upstate NY. Then family went to Utah. More photos of family.

Whoopi and Meghan bounced, not part of segment.

Hot Topic Honoring Carmen Miranda for Hispanic Heritage Month

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Carmen Miranda was a Portuguese-born Brazilian samba singer, dancer, Broadway actress, and film star. You can read more about Carmen Miranda here

Ontd have you ever had a threesome, what was it like, would you ever do that, spill the beans?!

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the view (abc), television - abc, latino celebrities, television - morning / daytime, politics, demi moore, television
