Killjoys post series finale interviews

Sep 21, 2019 18:17

Yo #Killjoys has been a quiet summer joy factory for years, and tonight’s series finale only confirmed what has long made it so special. ❤️ to the cast & crew, and thank you to @lovretta for chatting with me @paste_tv about the end
- Alexis Gunderson (@AlexisKG) September 21, 2019
Paste Magazine spoke with showrunner and ( Read more... )

television - syfy, killjoys (syfy), television - premiere / finale, interview

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demented_21 September 22 2019, 00:14:12 UTC
i didn't have time to watch the past several episodes so i binged them in preparation for the finale. this season dragged sooooo much. i just appreciated all the khlyen, but that was about it.

the finale itself was extremely underwhelming. there wasn't even really a big fight, let alone a war. and if they wanted dutch to be the main focus (as opposed to the team) then having khlyen there really took away from that imo.

loved kendry (always a queen!) and aneela, loved pree. needed more turin (though i'm glad he survived, deep down i wish he had gone down in a blaze of glory tbh) and way more fancy. jaq was totally useless. the actress who played the lady started off iffy but she really won me over by the end, the way she played "human" at the end was great. kudos.

also, did it feel like zeph/pip got more screentime (and more resolution) than dutch and her relationships with johnny and d'av?

that said, allow me to be the one and only person who LOVED SEEING PIP AGAIN AAAAH. idgaf i love him, and he and zeph are the cutest (shut up lol). no lie, the highlight of the finale for me was seeing pip as a killjoy (which is saying a lot about the rest of the finale lmao).

overall, i truly enjoyed this show, but the last 2 seasons were pretty underwhelming. in a way, i'm almost glad tbh, because it's easier to say goodbye to a dwindling show. i will miss this, but not to a painful degree. that said, i always do love an ending that allows for the adventures to continue :)


ivy_b September 22 2019, 07:05:56 UTC
I've missed you the last couple of discussion eps! I can't believe it's all over now.

Honestly, this season completely dragged but last season wasn't much better, they really only had an idea for a five minute show down and had to pad 19 episodes.

I did enjoy all the Khlyen and that he lived to go reunite with Yalena (and then hopefully the whole Kin Rit clan can reunite?). I did like Dutch's moment of giving the doll in the end, showing that she's healing and moving away from Khlyen's teachings. And I thought The Lady actress did a great job this season and especially at the end. I guess this is a show where literally all the villains and assholes get somewhat redeemed? LOL

It never felt like the stakes were high and we were dealing with genocide, so I'm not surprised the 'war' was so underwhelming. The show could never deal with high stakes, they should always stick to something smaller scale.

I'm happy for you for pip, lol. They could have done that in a different episode to set it up (we spent enough time on that damn ship and the actor was in Zeph's hallucination earlier, so he was available) and it wouldn't have felt so shoehorned in and then Dutch-D'av-Johnny relationship could have had focus in the finale.

I wonder what Turin, Pree and Fancy even did in the finale while Awesome Force and Zeph, Aneela and Delle Seyah did all the work, lol. I loved Pree becoming governor and Turin redoing the RAC. Fancy was... There, I guess, lol. Awww, I'm glad Turin is alive, but going down in a blaze of glory would have been fitting too.

I feel you about it dwindling and helping me say goodbye to it. I do like endings with adventures continuing as well. I'll miss this cute show but I'm not heartbroken over it.


demented_21 September 22 2019, 15:07:58 UTC
i missed the posts too bb, and the worst part was i couldn't even read them because i didn't want to get spoiled (little did i know, there was nothing to be spoiled because nothing happened lol :D)

for real. reading the interviews, it appears they wanted maaaybe one XL final season (13 eps? 15?) but 20 was too much for them. and it showed.

ita about khlyen, and i loved the fact he was going back to his wife. and ngl when dutch gave the lady the red box, i thought "oh shit, dutch has become khlyen? that's dark but i kinda dig it". so the reveal with the doll and the actress's smile was very poignant for me. a lovely touch, to show that dutch was not ultimately corrupted.

right? the deaths in the first 3 seasons (even last season with pip lol. don't judge me) were so much more intense and epic. i was expecting a messy fight, and having to worry about turin and fancy for 45 minutes (like in S3). alas, that was not to be.

lol ita about pip, even i have to admit it was realllly tacked on. but i love him lol, and i'm happy for zeph. but still, it was so weird that, like, dutch and d'av got literally 7 seconds right at the end.

right? we didn't see them at all during the "fight", and they barely interacted with each other overall. turin and fancy especially should have had a moment together imo.

exactly bb. this was a nice ending, we can go back and rewatch the show a few years from now, and we know in our hearts that Team Awesome Force is still out there kicking alien ass. it could have been a lot worse :)

thank you for making these posts bb, i really enjoyed them over the years and i always loved your insight <333333


ivy_b September 22 2019, 16:07:04 UTC
LMAO you really weren't missing anything, alas.

I do love the journey Dutch went through on the show, that part was done well. In my mind, Khlyen and Yalena visit Aneela (and Yalena would love to meet her grandson too) but mostly just travel and enjoy not dealing with politics. I still wish we saw Yalena-Aneela, but I'm good with my headcanon at least.

Even without killing anyone (I like what Michelle said about not needing death to make the story seem important) they could have made us fear for characters' lives, especially secondary ones. There wasn't one tense moment in the entire finale and that's something they did manage in previous seasons.

Fancy and Turin are the two characters we know the least about and who are constantly underutilized. Maybe it's an embarrassment of riches and having so many great characters, but especially Fancy I feel like they know he's a fan favorite, so they give him good lines, but outside of Post-Hullen story, he got nothing. At the very least the two could have had more than 1 minute of screen time. I love Zeph and Pree, but they definitely got to shine and get backstory, which is why I'm not mentioning them.

I've had shows I've gone from obsessed over to hate *cough*Hannibal*cough* or just completely disappointed *Harlots*, so it's definitely nice to finish this show on a good enough note that we can rewatch it years from now and be happy about how they've left things. Michelle claimed to be open to continuing the story in comic or novelization form, but I doubt it'll happen.

Well, I think I only made the posts last season, after the usual user quit the site (I think it was a mod), but it's been my pleasure, I always loved having these long comment chats with you and theorizing.

And hey, it could always be worse and be the Prison Break revival, right? LMAO


demented_21 September 22 2019, 18:07:26 UTC
right? :D

i totally agree about dutch. for such a ~damaged~ character who, up until the very end, kept insisting on suicide missions, we really saw growth in her, and the finale really followed up with that. she got a great hero(ine)'s character arc and i appreciate that.

ita. zero tension. they didn't have to kill anyone, but they could at least have us worried lol (and khlyen doesn't count, because he had been dead to begin with, and it would have been the most predictable/painless death imo).

mte. fancy was most often a plot device, and the humanity in him was due to some one-liners and the performance. turin got more to do over the years, but still he was way too sidelined in S5 for my taste.

for SURE. a bad ending has ruined many a show.

omg well it felt a lot longer lmao! thank you all the same <3

and re; prison break, ooooooomg ikr? the excitement! and the disappointment! a true rollercoaster of emotions.


ivy_b September 22 2019, 19:16:53 UTC
LMAO Khlyen already died once, other than us, I don’t think anyone would really care if he died and even we could appreciate a redemptive death for him. No tension at all, hell they couldn’t even throw Rennika or the prisoners in the mix as red shirts.

Completely agree about Fancy and Turin and being sidelined. Half the time I definitely think these side characters sneak up on them and they give them more screen time, lines and some moments, but they don’t really know what to do with them.

Well, even when I didn’t make the posts I still came (late) to the discussion and we had lots of chats about the show. You can tell it’s my posts when it’s like half a day later, due to timezones, lol.

The joke was on me for getting excited for Prison Break, clearly I never learned to expect nothing and not be disappointed.


demented_21 September 22 2019, 19:57:04 UTC
mte. and it's weird to say when many of our faves were sidelined as well, but i would have liked to see more rennika in the finale.

ita. again, from the interviews it appears that the creators never intended for these characters to become so beloved. i guess we should be thankful for what we got? eh.

lolll i always remember our discussions bb <333

and ngl the revival was bad, but at least it gave us linc in those deep v-necks :')


ivy_b September 22 2019, 20:05:06 UTC
I liked Rennika, I thought it was kinda weird they gave her so much prominence, hinted at Johnny liking her, then she was just shown partying at the prison and that's it. Between that and all the focus on those two prisoners we never saw again (did that one ever reunite with her kid? Who knows, who cares), it was weird how they focused on these characters so much then just ignored them at the end. Still, would have preferred all that focus to go to our favorite side characters rather than new ones.

I guess? Thankful they were smart enough to keep them around and bring them back. Maybe next show Michelle works on, she'll actually figure out how to ensemble properly.

Ahhh, Linc in those V-Necks, that was nice. I don't even watch Legends of Tomorrow anymore to enjoy Dom in something, not that LoT is very challenging for him, I'm sure he enjoys the easy paycheck.


demented_21 September 24 2019, 23:16:03 UTC
omg calvert! i forgot all about her, and i really liked her! i guess her ~big ending moment~ was that scene with johnny (which, granted, was great). that entire prison plot was... not the best idea lol.

mfte. i also think the actors were all too good for their own good, so she didn't want to kill them off (lbr my bb turin could - if not should - have died 6 times over) and we were stuck with all of them until the bitter end (plus pip! lol) but ita, there's definitely room for improvement.

:') and lol i like legends of tomorrow, it's the only ~flarrowverse~ show i watch (hell it's the only CW show i watch lol). dom is certainly a highlight. even if he doesn't always have that much to do, he always does it with flair.


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