Ansel Elgort wants you to take your mom to The Goldfinch

Sep 20, 2019 20:09

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Ansel Elgort posted a story on his instagram where he says that critics are usually great writers but he goes on to say that they usually have to "pick a side." In this case he said the best way for them to write their reviews/articles was to point out all that was wrong with The Goldfinch film. He claims there is a lot of good in the film as well and that the film "works." He says that people that see it enjoy it and are moved by it. He says his mother is not always moved by his films, but she was moved by this film. He finishes his instagram story by encouraging you to take your mom to the movie.

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Ontd, will you take your mom to see The Goldfinch?

ansel elgort, review, slow news day
