'It: Chapter Two' brings some life back into the box office with $10.5M on Thursday night

Sep 06, 2019 10:44

#ItChapterTwo scares up $10.5 million on Thursday night https://t.co/NUHfi2yp1S
- Variety (@Variety) September 6, 2019

To no surprise, 'It: Chapter Two' will be topping this weekend's box office. It already brought in $10.5M from Thursday night sales and is anticipated to make around $85 million to $90 million this weekend (on an impressive $35 ( Read more... )

film - horror, box office, bill hader, jessica chastain, james mcavoy, bill skarsgård

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eveofrevolution September 6 2019, 15:36:56 UTC
masterofmystery September 6 2019, 15:39:38 UTC
no one in my audience picked up on the cameo (given the lack of reaction) and i was like 'really you guys'


eveofrevolution September 6 2019, 15:41:02 UTC
winterbam September 6 2019, 16:29:14 UTC

Did Mike have a lot of screen time?


eveofrevolution September 6 2019, 16:31:03 UTC
winterbam September 6 2019, 16:34:43 UTC

Good, now I'll definitely go and watch it tomorrow. I didn't want a repeat from the last movie. Thanks!


war_machine_rox September 6 2019, 16:40:37 UTC
Oh wow I had no idea about Eddie's wife lol that's a cool detail to add


eveofrevolution September 6 2019, 17:24:49 UTC
shazamy September 6 2019, 17:21:02 UTC
I agree With everything you said!
I wish The movie would get recognized during award season because Bill Hader deserves the nominations!!


eatmydustbinns September 6 2019, 19:18:45 UTC
Omg I had no idea that was his mother again! Hahaha that's an extra creepy tidbit.


loglady September 6 2019, 20:27:52 UTC
All of this!!

[Spoiler (click to open)]Literally ONE other person in our audience picked up on Stephen's cameo, lmaooo. Also I was spoiled about the actress who played Eddie's wife before seeing the movie so I knew it was coming. Idk if anyone else picked up on it or not, though.

Also I wanna go back and watch it again partly because [Spoiler (click to open)]I read that the license plate above the door of the pawn shop has the same numbers as Christine from the movie, lol. There were a couple other easter eggs I missed the first time around too.


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