Marvel reportedly cutting all ties to mutants in 'The New Mutants'

Aug 30, 2019 21:36

EXCLUSIVE: Disney Removes All Ties to Fox's X-Men Franchise in Latest Cut of 'The New Mutants' @NewMutantsFilm @MarvelStudios #kevinfeige #marvel #disneyfoxmerger #Disney
- FandomWire (@FandomWire) August 29, 2019
- Apparently the recent edits Marvel Studios did were to intentionally cut any ties ' ( Read more... )

who asked for this, the avengers, marvel, x-men

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arabian August 31 2019, 04:15:53 UTC
I just keep remembering that the original focus group reports of this had it getting extremely positive reviews. The *only* reason the original reshoots were planned is because It was such a massive hit and they decided they wanted to add more horror elements to it since horror was now in, but the actors couldn't get their schedules to mesh. And now we're here.

The fact that Disney is actually taking steps to mesh it with their future plans might mean that it remains as good as the original reports. :shrugs:


shazamy August 31 2019, 05:16:00 UTC
This is what I’m hoping


arabian August 31 2019, 13:37:59 UTC
I went to the source and read the article and apparently -- shocking! Not -- the test screenings after the new shoots are positive. That's the thing that a lot of comments here don't seem to get, EVERY SINGLE test screening of this film have been positive. Like the first test screenings were on par with Deadpool positive. This is NOT a case of Dark Phoenix where it was obviously shit from the get-go. TNM has gotten overwhelmingly positive reviews from test reviews every go-round. All reshoots/delays have been because of extenuating circumstances, nothing to do with issues with the film itself.


__nocturna August 31 2019, 14:46:11 UTC
yeah, i've been hearing all this news about the reshoots and got curious why and read the Wiki the other day, and was like '....really? that's the reason for all this trouble?'

studios being dumb


arabian September 1 2019, 04:40:17 UTC
Yup, literally everything I've heard about people who have seen any cut of the film have been extremely positive. Except for some source saying that some execs at Disney didn't like the reshoots. HOWEVER, according to this article (which OP didn't mention), even that is being overrided because, ding ding ding, test audiences are giving positive responses to the reshot version of the film. Uh huh.

Nothing about TNM is like the disaster that was DP.


ellaellaeheheh August 31 2019, 16:39:37 UTC
really? that is awesome, I'll be happy for Maisie if this is a hit


arabian September 1 2019, 04:42:13 UTC
Yeah, this film and it's reasons for reshoots has NOTHING to do with the issues w/DP which was all about how awful it was.


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