Killjoys 5X06 promo

Aug 17, 2019 19:34

Promo for 5X06, "Three Mutineers"- 'Dutch's prison takeover is thwarted by an unexpected hostage situation, leaving her, D'avin and John scrambling for a new plan.'

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television - syfy, killjoys (syfy), television promo / stills

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Comments 17

wanderlost August 17 2019, 20:01:39 UTC
The Prison Warden is really cute...but I'm bored of prison now. Let's get back home to Pree and Fancy and everyone.

The Johnny/Dutch story line is breaking my heart. I'm so sad.

Delle Seyah remains awesome.

I'm enjoying this season, but it feels like they're taking too long to get things popping. I don't want to end the show on a cliff-hanger and I definitely don't want the action rushed. I hope they escape the prison in 5x06.


ivy_b August 17 2019, 20:28:28 UTC
I was really hoping we'd be done with the prison setting by now, they're really spinning their wheels to stall for the real shit to go down and we have five episodes left.

We only had a tiny glimpse of Fancy, I hope we get a bit more of him this season, as well as everyone else.

I need Dutch and Johnny to be on the same page again, their friendship is everything to me so their rift hurts.

Delle Seyah was great this episode and I loved seeing her open up a bit to Jaq and imagining a parent talk with D'avin.


queenb727 August 17 2019, 22:27:12 UTC
I'm tired of the prison. They need to be out by the end of next episode. That will only give us four episodes of the gang all together. Let's not make it three.

I want Dutch and Johnny back. I miss them. I hope we get to see the team together again and everything normal. If the end on some bullshit bittersweet ending with them apart I'll riot.


ivy_b August 18 2019, 05:53:50 UTC
Honestly, same. We've got 5 episodes left and I want the gang together and I want Johnny-Dutch to fix their relationship. I don't know what kind of an ending we're going to get, but I do hope they won't tear them all apart.


queenb727 August 19 2019, 01:50:29 UTC
I feel like their spinning their wheels, but there's so much they could be doing with character work.


ivy_b August 19 2019, 07:34:13 UTC
Yeah, except for whatever is up with Johnny, they're not even using the time to really do anything with the characters.


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