mte on everyone thinking Biden did well. I was watching the pundits after the debate and they all thought he did a good job and I was like wtf Did we all watch the same debate lol
Also lmao @ meghan thinking Castro & Inslee shouldn't be on the stage. imo They did the best.
Castro and Inslee are my two fave men in the race. I can't believe she had the nerve to say they don't belong on the stage but will die on the Tulsi hill.
I can't believe all the people saying Biden did well, he could not keep up with anyone.
IA. I don't understand the pundits AT ALL, Biden looked so fragile and out of touch last debate. I guess they wanted to "give him one" after Kamala trashed him last time, but these people need to get a grip.
Biden looked legit out of it, like he couldn't keep up. He called Cory the "future president," at one point, before settling on "senator." And Joe 30330 trended--highlighting his gaffe. He's the gaffe king, come on man.
I wish someone would tell Megahn and screeching and talking over everyone is not a good look. Anna went way too easy on her today. You can almost see the thought bubble above Anna's head: "when will this child be quiet?"
Meghan flipping out at Ana criticizing Tulsi was insane, she takes everything Ana says SO PERSONALLY.
I can't believe all the people saying Biden did well, he could not keep up with anyone.
Also lmao @ meghan thinking Castro & Inslee shouldn't be on the stage. imo They did the best.
IA. I don't understand the pundits AT ALL, Biden looked so fragile and out of touch last debate. I guess they wanted to "give him one" after Kamala trashed him last time, but these people need to get a grip.
I wish someone would tell Megahn and screeching and talking over everyone is not a good look. Anna went way too easy on her today. You can almost see the thought bubble above Anna's head: "when will this child be quiet?"
Whoopi did seem unusually pressed today.
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