Celebs flocked to Google Summit in private jets, mega yachts to talk Climate Change

Aug 01, 2019 12:14

Billionaire Summer Camp: The Rich And Famous Flock To Sicily For The Top Secret Google Retreat. Chris Martin performs at the ruins for VIPS including @Harry_Styles and @katyperry, via @Forbes https://t.co/knrsqZWlpw pic.twitter.com/sfvoh16tbG
- Jim Dobson (@TheLuxeWorld) July 30, 2019

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barack obama / michelle obama, harry styles, leonardo dicaprio, katy perry, google / android, royalty / royal family, actor / actress

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senshicalico August 2 2019, 06:50:54 UTC
it's a small part of the bigger problem, but my stepfather is a commercial fisherman and heavily into the conservation aspect. He even pitches it to other fishermen as "if we overfish the seas, how are you going to make a fucking living?" and it just falls on IM GONNA GET MINE FIRST ears. They're some of the most conservative bunch and honestly have no regard for life. all they care about is making thousands of dollars (and tbh, regardless of what it might look like on tv, your average crabber or commercial fisherman is barely lower middle class because that isan EXPENSIVE business to run. rip my fafsa tho.) and who gives a fuck after that.

anyway, my stepfather legit gets death threats because he works with unis and other environmental groups by taking them out to sea to do their studies. he also does talks and go to conservation conferences. death threats, having his shit fucked with, and for the first time in my life we had to start locking our door (lmao I grew up in a log cabin in the middle of the woods. nobody locks) because assholes would drive all the way out there at midnight to call him a traitor and fire off their fucking rifles.

tldr we are so fucked.


ellumination August 2 2019, 17:12:33 UTC
that's insane I'm so sorry


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