Celebs flocked to Google Summit in private jets, mega yachts to talk Climate Change

Aug 01, 2019 12:14

Billionaire Summer Camp: The Rich And Famous Flock To Sicily For The Top Secret Google Retreat. Chris Martin performs at the ruins for VIPS including @Harry_Styles and @katyperry, via @Forbes https://t.co/knrsqZWlpw pic.twitter.com/sfvoh16tbG
- Jim Dobson (@TheLuxeWorld) July 30, 2019

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barack obama / michelle obama, harry styles, leonardo dicaprio, katy perry, google / android, royalty / royal family, actor / actress

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vanilla_09 August 1 2019, 22:04:10 UTC
I have a question: in terms of travelling, if were being serious about climate change does that also mean travelling less considering air pollution and plane travelling?


epicdonald August 1 2019, 22:06:15 UTC
Yeah there's definitely been commentary recently on the effect that travel has on the environment. I watched a video recently that I think concluded that trains are the most ecofriendly means of travel, followed by buses then airplanes and the cars.

I might have the order mixed up but cars were definitely last.


melancolour August 1 2019, 23:32:06 UTC
I've definitely heard planes are worse than cars, so source plz

(it might be about solo travelling?)


epicdonald August 1 2019, 23:48:28 UTC
I'm on my phone and can't embed but this is the one I saw: https://youtu.be/TkXEU5ng8rE


pwrpuffgrl August 2 2019, 15:49:29 UTC
Cars? IDTS. According to this studio, the four most polluting actions are transatlantic flights, more than two children, meat consumption and the use of cars.


epicdonald August 2 2019, 16:17:37 UTC
I mean comparing planes to cars for transatlantic travel is a bit of an apples to oranges comparison. It would be more helpful to compare the environmental impact of traveling within a continent by car vs. by plane.


vivahodie August 1 2019, 22:06:37 UTC


backwardsjoker August 1 2019, 22:11:24 UTC
Unfortunately, yes. And it sucks, but the amount of CO2 being released in the air via planes is changing the climate so rapidly its devastating our resources.

I found out about this whole thing after reading this on Vox. It isn't perfect, but activists are suggesting we just stop flying altogether (or at least, travel less than we do) - https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/7/25/8881364/flying-shame-climate-change-airline-greta-thunberg


pwrpuffgrl August 2 2019, 15:50:47 UTC
People won't stop traveling. What needs to be done is airlines having less flights (which won't happen lbr), I mean do you really need 6 flights per day to NYC? Nah.


beigemediocrity August 1 2019, 22:50:12 UTC
Using a private jet is extremely selfish and damaging to the climate. These people could fly with 300 other normal passengers instead of getting a private jet and pollute air because of 1 person.


melancolour August 1 2019, 23:31:15 UTC
I'm trying to travel more sustainably, so not taking a plane as much as possible. You can still travel sustainably by train, and car is certainly not the worst. I'm trying to do more road trips, see my country, etc.


rainstormraider August 2 2019, 00:24:43 UTC
Airlines now let you offset your carbon footprint.


(The comment has been removed)

disasterboss August 2 2019, 04:41:46 UTC
great comment.


loveumbrella August 2 2019, 07:40:30 UTC
couldn't have said it better!


galactoze August 2 2019, 17:39:07 UTC
so true and sad...


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