The View: David Spade, Hot Topics

Jul 29, 2019 16:04

Today’s panel is Whoopi, Joy, Sunny, and Meghan.

David Spade Talks About His New Show Lights Out With David Spade

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Mam had a crush on him when she was 14 yrs old, and she met him at the Biltmore Esplanade (it’s a shopping and cinema center in Phoenix on Camelback). He was nice and she was thrilled. He live posts The Bachelorette. He cautions that his comments are R-rated and he thinks it’s funny and is open to joke about it. The men all seem to be from Scottsdale. They talk about social media and dating. He has sent some DMs himself. He’s like, it’s the same as going to a stranger in a bar, but less stressful, because the rejection isn’t right in your face. Talks about drunk texting someone. Says his humor helps him when the other things aren’t clicking.

Has a new show that will air after The Daily Show on Comedy Central. Will cover current events, maybe a little sports, and water cooler topics, but not politics. Talks about the change in comedy now that things are more pc scrutinized. Mam brings up his bottle cap challenge, which he did successfully. Also has a book A Polariod Guy in a Snapchat World, includes audio version with him reading it. His new TV show premieres tonight.

BONUS Democratic Debates Tue 30 July and Wed 31 July

Hosted by CNN in Detroit @ 8PM eastern
How to watch: Broadcast CNN, online and CNN apps, also probably Twitter live stream, YouTube channel

The lineups were randomly chosen in a silly live drawing. The 6 female candidates are split 3-3 between both nights, by chance.

Night1 Podium Lineup: Marianne Williamson, Tim Ryan, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders (center left), Elizabeth Warren (center right), Beto O’Rourke, John Hickenlooper, John Delaney, Steve Bullock
Night2 Podium Lineup: Michael Bennet, Kirsten Gillibrand, Julian Castro, Corey Booker, Joe Biden (center left), Kamala Harris (center right), Andrew Yang, Tulsi Gabbard, Jay Inslee, Bill de Blasio

Qualifications same as the last debate, 65,000 donors to their campaigns, with at least 200 donors in 20 different states, OR obtain at least 1% in nationally recognized three polls. September debates will be harder to qualify.

Candidates will have opening and closing statements, 60 secs for answer, 30 secs for follow up. There will not be a question with a down the line raise hand one word answer. Candidates who personally call out another candidate on stage, the other candidate will get 30 secs for rebuttal. Candidates who regularly interrupt will have time taken away.

Hot Topic Shooting @ Gilroy Garlic Festival

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You can read more about it here

America has had 280 mass shootings in 2019, in 210 days. Shooter was killed by first responder. Police are searching for a second potential conspirator. There has been a 183% increase after ban on assault weapons (enacted during Clinton admin) was lifted in 2004 (by Bush43 admin).

Hot Topic Another Day for Racist in Chief vs Baltimore

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Tweets, tweets, and more tweets. Riling his racist base, distracting from increased desire for impeachment. Racist in Chief is going after Rep Elijah Cummings, and Rev Al Sharpton, calling them racist and saying awful things about the community, which is in the same America and always against non-white targets. Whoopi gives history, in 1944, the N/zis built a fake camp and invited the Red Cross to inspect, to show hey everything is fine, there’s no terrible atrocity going on. Whoopi thinks people should all go to the same place to get balanced perspective, not the shiny version shown to a select few. Jared owns 9K rental units in Baltimore County, slum dwellings, which have 200 code violations, filled with vermin, mold, maggots. Sunny says he tweeted that after watching Faux News topic on Baltimore.

Mam thinks he’s going after Cummings who is Chair of Oversight, who has issued subpoena for (among other things) Jared and Ivanka texts and messages. Sunny lived in Baltimore, met her husband, had her son, plus world renowned Johns Hopkins Hospital, all in Baltimore, she goes off. 9 of 10 poorest states are red states with GOP governors. Joy thinks it’s crazy that Racist in Chief is calling the black man the racist. Plays clip back when Cummings defended Meadows (who had been called a racist), but where is Meadows defending Cummings. Sunny is really fired up, calls out Ben Carson who also lived in Baltimore. Michael Steele spoke out, had strong words.

Hot Topic Armie Hammer Delete Your Insta

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Hilarious post here by lawofcosines
Follow up post here by stewie_e

Eye bleach worthy. That’s all you really need to know. The panel discusses. Beware, the insta story was deleted but it still exists on all the internets.

Hot Topic Snooki Mom Juice Idek

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Snooki is feeding her baby a bottle of milk, while also drinking a glass of wine. This was scandalous because Snooki breastfeeds. There’s pump and dump and the bottle was from a previous pumping but anyway. Whoopi mimics the internet warriors. Panel discusses. Whoopi said she breastfed for ~14 mins total then she drank then they show her (healthy adult) daughter in the audience.

Hot Topic Sex and the City Ruined Family Dream

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Candace Bushnell, creator of Sex in the City, said if she had to do it all over again, she wouldn’t have chosen career over family and kids, because now she’s alone. Panel discusses what defines a full life.

Ontd do you prefer career over family, family over career, or do you think you can figure out both if you really wanted both?

Also Happy Birthday to jemgirl90 who sometimes joins these posts, hope you have a special day!

Source links are below each video or section

celebrity social media, the view (abc), comedy / comedian, jersey shore (mtv), reality show, books / authors, armie hammer, television - morning / daytime, television - comedy central, reality show - mtv, race / racism
