Diddy (49) spotted on a possible date with Steve Harvey's 22 year old daughter

Jul 25, 2019 15:09

Diddy and Steve Harvey's Daughter Fuel Dating Rumors https://t.co/R5vVbYG2pQ
- TMZ (@TMZ) July 25, 2019

  • In "the creeps are at it again" news Diddy was spotted out on a possible date with Lori Harvey, Steve Harvey's daughter
  • There is a 27 year old gap between them
  • Lori Harvey's ex is Diddy's eldest son Justin Combs (!!!)
source 2

ONTD have you ever dated a father/son combo?

Bonus reaction tweet:

Diddy is allegedly dating Lori Harvey, who is half his age, and the ex-girlfriend of his own son.

Lori is the daughter of Marjorie Harvey, wife of Steve Harvey. Steve was allegedly having an affair with Marjorie while still married to his 2nd wife.

Do I have that right? pic.twitter.com/UhdRp3tb7E
- April (@ReignOfApril) July 25, 2019

men are weak, diddy
