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tetrazzinichikn July 24 2019, 03:12:01 UTC
I thought he was great in Inglorious Basterds but this was like...the weakest character in the Marvel universe.


ellehcimbelle July 24 2019, 12:03:35 UTC
'weakest character in the Marvel universe' yes exactly! i couldn't even remember this villain dude's name before this post & I am a major Cap/Sam/Bucky stan lmaooo


of_baron July 24 2019, 13:09:38 UTC
He succeeded tho

Thanos probably wouldn't have been able to get the stones if Steve and Tony weren't still in a lovers' tiff. Tony looked down at that flip phone like ":["


piratesswoop July 24 2019, 18:03:24 UTC
lmao i have to say i’m very annoyed that tony had the audacity in endgame to blame cap for not being there~ when he needed him. like, bro he gave you a phone to call him and you held on to it and N E V E R dialed the number. fair enough you weren’t able to get in touch because you got dragged to space, but steve still got the crew together to fight thanos without you anyway.


of_baron July 24 2019, 18:58:00 UTC
That scene in Edgame was one time of few where I mostly forgave Tony being a totally hypocritical dick (cough cough all of Age of Ultron and Civil War) because he was starving to death and barely rescued from space after only a half-robot had survived for company. And maybe because I've just accepted that Tony is a very flawed character who's often a hypocritical dick.

That was my only problem with Far From Home, where [Spoiler (click to open)]Tony had left behind a huge satellite full of drones that ONE person could control, 22 movies after he claimed he wasn't making ~weapons anymore, he claimed to want oversight and never backtracked, and FUCKING WINTER SOLDIER HAPPENED WHERE THAT WAS THE WHOLE PLOT. Way to make Tony learn absolutely nothing. Spidey should have had that drone satellite shoot itself to death in space at the end, but I guess that's what happens when your idol is Iron Man instead of Cap, as it is in the comics.


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