Did Henry Cavill just confirmed he's still Superman?

Jul 20, 2019 12:52

HENRY CAVILL's Reaction to this SUPERMAN casting question has fans buzzing big time! #SDCC2019 https://t.co/8ZjyakLIUH pic.twitter.com/AljHgvcWdd
- ComicBook NOW! (@ComicBookNOW) July 20, 2019

- Henry Cavill was asked a few questions about The Witcher and this was his reaction when the interviewer said 'cause you're still Superman'...

y'all pic.twitter.com/CJE89qJCFP
- v (@gothamcltysiren) July 19, 2019

- His reaction has the internet going:

Source 1, 2

ONTD, do you think he's still Superman?

henry cavill, dc comics, superman / smallville
