Did the film "Cats" whitewash their black lead Francesca Hayward?

Jul 19, 2019 18:49

The trailer for 'Cats' has people asking why you can't tell the film's lead, Francesca Hayward, is black https://t.co/hvuzqA07lr pic.twitter.com/HU3AZuZvAd

- Yahoo Lifestyle (@yahoolifestyle) July 19, 2019

- The trailer for "Cats" came out yesterday.. As many spoke of the cgi fur, others asked about lead Francesca Hayward's apearance.

- Hayward was ( Read more... )

broadway / theatre, black celebrities, film - fantasy

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evillemmons July 20 2019, 01:38:33 UTC
cymbelinefire July 20 2019, 01:42:07 UTC
I think they should have went with a more fantastical kind of look.


dinkerd July 20 2019, 01:59:06 UTC
The main draws for the stage show are set/costume design and choreography, and you can't really do those things with CGI cats. Going for this weird cgi/physical set combo probably seemed like a good way of handling the stage show's visual appeal, and going with the cat/human hybrids probably seemed like a good way of keeping the dance aspect of the stage show.

A more competent director would've realised these things would never actually work on screen and do something like regular cgi cats, but Tom Hooper has already proven himself to be incapable of properly adapting stage musicals to the screen with Les Miserables. The man doesn't know what to keep and what to scrap from the source material, nor how to find cinematic ways of recreating specific theatrical moments without it getting weird.


mila_s_garden July 20 2019, 03:56:18 UTC
I guess the only good thing Tom Hooper has given us is that gif where he looks fed up with Tarantino.


rubie_dubidoux July 20 2019, 04:36:47 UTC
lmao omg that's where I recognized him from


masterofmystery July 20 2019, 02:01:59 UTC
Why couldn't they just cgi the actual cats and have them sing

haven't we suffered enough with the new lion king's existence??


wickedground July 20 2019, 05:44:23 UTC
For real. People hate the ultra realistic Lion King look, but for Cats - that is very ballet heavy - they want cat-cats??


devourlove July 20 2019, 04:21:48 UTC
the thing is we've done standing/dancing cats with The Cat Returns so it could've been done and been really cute looking with actual cat-looking cats. I'll never stop being confused lmao


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