"A F-ing Extortionist": Rich people are angry Gwyneth Paltrow over UK wellness summit

Jul 03, 2019 09:14

Fury at Gwyneth over wellness summit: ‘A f - - king extortionist’ https://t.co/wk0XkOuAou pic.twitter.com/pdJb5R7wha
- Page Six (@PageSix) July 3, 2019

Gwyneth Paltrow held another one of her expensive "wellness summits" in London recently.

The cost to attend was $5,700. But now, Page Six reports that attendees are "revolting" over the weekend long Goop sales pitch and the fact that GP skipped out on some of the activities.

One attendee told Page Six that a prominent British guest was so appalled by the aggressive Goop hype that she sent a WhatsApp message to fellow attendees saying, “GP (what Goop followers calls Paltrow), is a fucking extortionist.”

The event featured a “health summit” where Gwyneth apparently did the bare minimum. Gwyneth was unapproachable according to attendees, she was surrounded by her security team all the time. She during her talks she gave tips such as “creativity with your hands is like channeling God,” and how to “hydrate mindfully” using a sound bath.

Another attendee told Page Six: “Gwyneth acts like she’s a health goddess, but actually she’s a pretentious, greedy extortionist...She was unapproachable. She did the minimum, a few fireside chats with Twiggy and Penelope Cruz, then she put on her Birkenstocks and snuck out . . . I was a huge fan of Gwyneth; now I feel like I have lost my faith in God.” (lmao)


fail, gwyneth paltrow, fitness, celebrity encounter
