Dancer and Choreographer Emma Portner accuses Justin Bieber of paying her below minimum wage

Jul 01, 2019 20:34

Justin Bieber’s #PurposeWorldTour choreographer/dancer, who also happens to be Ellen Page’s wife, slams the singer for allegedly paying her ‘less than minimum wage’ while working for him:

"I couldn’t afford to eat. I was sweeping studio floors to be able to practice my craft."
- Pop Crave (@PopCrave) July 1, 2019

Emma Portner, the wife of Ellen Page and a dancer/choreographer, blasted Justin Bieber on her instagram stories yesterday following his defense of his manager Scooter Braun. She said that when she was a dancer and choreographer for his Purpose World tour she was paid less than minimum wage, couldn't afford to eat, and had to sweep studio floors to be able to practice her craft. She also critcizes Bieber's involvement with Carl Lentz and Hillsong Church for being anti LGBT and asks him how it feels that a lesbian helped his tour for abysmal amounts of money when he attends a church that goes against her existence. She says that she hopes he educates himself beyond the bible and finds a world view beyond his straight white pastors and managers (Carl Lentz and Scooter Braun). She critcizes his continous association with problematic people (Carl Lentz/Hillsong, Scooter, Chris Brown) and says that men that exploit women like Justin Bieber and Chris Brown need to be held accountable.

Source: Twitter

lgbtq / rights, elliot page, justin bieber, chris brown
