The Real discusses how much of a tip you should leave your servers (20-25%)

Jun 19, 2019 16:04

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The panel on The Real (Adrienne Houghton, Loni Love, Jeannie Mai and Tamera Mowry) discuss what’s a proper tip after viewing a video by CNBC that angered Twitter back in April. The video suggests diners double the tax to calculate a tip that’ll “save” them money every year. People had issues with this because doubling the tax (depending on the ( Read more... )

tia and tamera mowry, television - morning / daytime, discussion

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ghettoluvpr June 20 2019, 00:06:49 UTC
My feelings on this subject are all over the place. I always tip 20 percent minimum, even on poor service. But I also feel like consumers shouldn't have to subsidize business owners so that they can pay their employees a shitty wage. But then I also think that if we did do away with tipping and just forced business owners to pay a living wage, then employees salaries overall would take significant nosedive.


teller5of5tales June 20 2019, 02:57:26 UTC
This is exactly how I feel.


accioanime June 20 2019, 06:01:26 UTC
this is my point of conflict for me... I really understand how tips are so important... but the tipping culture has become a bandaid to a bigger systematic problem and allows for businesses to keep the wages so shitty. Servers should be making a living wage that is guaranteed by their salary, not through some arbitrary expectation/generosity/courtesy like tips. What about other jobs like fast-food that don't ask for you to tip but their wages are also just as bad?


aurorab0realis June 20 2019, 15:05:59 UTC
Not necessarily. My country gives servers a good living wage, tipping has not been common. It is slowly starting here too, and I can only assume the owners will take the average tip, add it to the mix, and lower the salary so that they will at the end of the day get a worse deal than they have now. It will be GREAT for a few years, but then plummet and be financially unstable for the workers.

I do think it's hard to change once a tipping system is in place though. And I do think it is the government + restaurant owners people should be going after, not the consumers. Consumers pay for the staff, so the restaurant dont have to, yet somehow it's the consumers and servers who beef with each other, not with the gov or the owners.

If you think about it, tipping is a CRAZY system. Servers have to stress/put on a show for guests, no matter how they feel that day, or else they wont make enough money to make rent. It's a super weird power dynamic, and people eat it up.


ghettoluvpr June 20 2019, 16:33:19 UTC
Salaries would absolutely go way down. Maybe not in middle America, but in some major cities people can make as much as 100k as servers.


aurorab0realis June 20 2019, 17:22:10 UTC
ooop thats insane


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