Lena Headey reveals her mixed feelings about Cersei's Game of Thrones ending

Jun 16, 2019 19:39

At a Comic Con in Munich, this is what Lena had to say about everything Season 8:

-She first revealed that in season 7, she filmed a miscarriage scene for Cersei that got cut. The writers decided to go a different route for the pregnancy storyline.

The miscarriage scene would’ve been epic 😢 pic.twitter.com/gSZxUiukIa
- ꧁♡ ᴋᴡᴇᴇɴ ʟᴇɴᴀ .꧂ (@bb_cersei ( Read more... )

lena headey, television - hbo, spoilers, game of thrones (hbo)

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Comments 118

boundarybreaks June 16 2019, 23:32:27 UTC
The writers decided to go a different route for the pregnancy storyline.

As in, they completely made it irrelevant and pointless?


onyxrose81 June 17 2019, 16:32:36 UTC
Yep. I still believe that's why they dropped so many anvils regarding Dany being pregnant. She could have been pregnant to contrast that with Cersei losing her baby. Why else would they keep bring it up? But like so many other things, in S8, nothing from the past seasons mattered.


myroomiswhite88 June 16 2019, 23:33:57 UTC
well you beat me..lol

does anyone know how to stop a submission?


elderpricely June 16 2019, 23:59:52 UTC
they'll just reject it, don't worry about it


artemisofluna June 16 2019, 23:34:15 UTC
I was hoping Arya would kill her with Jamie's face too, but wouldn't she have to kill Jamie to get that?

Which I mean...I would also be okay with...


myroomiswhite88 June 16 2019, 23:40:07 UTC
yes however in one of the scenes with the Many Face God, he used Arya's face and she isn't dead..so I dont know how it works.. either way after the whole Bri thing, I'm okay with taking his face


artemisofluna June 17 2019, 02:11:33 UTC
HARD same.


wicked_jade June 17 2019, 01:38:31 UTC
Arya had used that same passage from the beach to the skull room that Jaime used, way back in season one. They could’ve had her use that route into the castle, and come across Jaime who was already bleeding to death after his fight with Euron. Jaime never makes it to Cersei, Arya takes his face and kills her.


watersofain June 16 2019, 23:34:17 UTC
i wasn’t surprised by anything that happened except cersei’s death. hands down the lamest moment of the show. can’t believe they had her go out like that.


myroomiswhite88 June 16 2019, 23:35:19 UTC
2 pregnancies subverted


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