Well, here's Jessica Biel apparently lobbying California lawmakers alongside anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
https://t.co/q2JXmXJF0x pic.twitter.com/IgGPEy5lre- Jezebel (@Jezebel)
June 12, 2019 • While no further details are known about the content of their meetings, Jessica Biel headed to the California State Capitol and apparently sat in on meetings alongside noted anti-vaxxer/anti-truth advocate RFK Jr.
• One of RFK Jr's main goals right now is stopping a bill authored by California State Senator and pediatrician Dr. Richard Pan, which would increase oversight on "medical exemptions" that are used to allow parents to obtain doctors notes which essentially keep their children from being vaccinated.
• The article also references an alleged story from 2015 which reported that Jessica Biel and her husband Justin Timberlake were not vaccinated their son, Silas, due to a fear of "complications."
• OP would like to remind everyone that there is no link between vaccines and autism, but there is a link between vaccines and children reaching adulthood!
source Unbielievable, tbh.