People from the USA fail at reading a clock

May 31, 2019 18:22

We put young people on the street to the ultimate test - can they tell time? #CanYouDoIt
- Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) 29 de mayo de 2019

People on the street were asked to tell time using an analogue clock, with disappointing but not surprising results

Can you use a clock, ONTD? Alternatively, what watch do you have? ( Read more... )

television - abc, fail, jimmy kimmel, late night talk show

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longlonglong12 June 1 2019, 00:27:38 UTC
Didn't these people have an analog clock on the wall at the front of the classroom so you could count the ticks until the bell rang?


ka_blamo June 1 2019, 00:58:48 UTC
We still have analog clocks on the wall but most of my students (middle school) can't read them. They just check their phones/computer or ask me to tell them lol.


anydoppelganger June 1 2019, 03:24:59 UTC
Oh my God! Seriously?? I used to teach SAT classes a few years ago and still volunteer as a tutor now at a local high school but have never noticed this, I feel pretty certain that my students can read an analog clock. They better know! They still have those clocks in classrooms


ka_blamo June 1 2019, 03:54:59 UTC
Yeah :-(. This was at a title 1 school in the hood though lol


anydoppelganger June 1 2019, 07:36:54 UTC
Aw that's hard :( You do very important work. For the program I volunteer at, the students are mostly 1st/2nd gen immigrant/ESL and have to demonstrate need by being under certain family income maximum thresholds, but their school has a lot of resources. I guess I always assumed that my students would be checking the analog clock but maybe *I* was the only one who was looking at the clock in the classroom and they were checking their cell phones instead....NOW THIS WILL NEVER STOP BOTHERING ME LOL ( ... )


accioanime June 1 2019, 08:13:09 UTC
I used to work at a high school and the students know the period is over when the long stick lands on the 9. They still can't read time, though.


invisiblegirlx June 1 2019, 08:35:00 UTC
Seriously? I just find it hard to believe they can't read clocks cause it's there literally everyday.


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