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numbedtoe May 22 2019, 04:02:52 UTC
oops. I got my shitty teen mom’s mixed up. I can’t believe she is still on TV, in any capacity after losing her kids and having questions about animal cruelty hanging over her head. I understand he’s the one that did the killing, but it sounded weird as hell. Not that I follow it that much


queencersi May 22 2019, 04:17:49 UTC
She finally got kicked off because of David killing her dog.
Not the alleged abuse or threatening someone with a gun while her child's in the car, but the animal abuse is what finally got people upset.


progression May 22 2019, 04:27:29 UTC
Well, no. People have been plenty upset about how she handles her poor children, MTV just couldn't give less shit about their concerns. It's on MTV, not the public.


queencersi May 22 2019, 04:53:46 UTC
That's true, but I had not seen people reaching out to advertisers and sponsors until David killed her dog.


littlepunkryo May 22 2019, 05:22:36 UTC
People tried it before but it never took. Or at least the subreddit did - this isn't the first time people tried going after sponsors, it's just the first time it actually worked. Presumably because a dog was killed and that's apparently worse than anything else those two crapsacks have done in people's eyes.


mondetriste May 22 2019, 04:27:44 UTC
Sounds about right.


carolinga May 22 2019, 07:09:33 UTC
I think it's having her kids removed that did it, not the dog.


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