'The View' Round-Up: Finding "The One," Wendy Williams Divorce, and More

Apr 12, 2019 12:44

DID YOU KNOW YOUR MATE WAS “THE ONE”? If Priyanka Chopra decided to follow through with judging a book by its cover, she might have never married Nick Jonas! The co-hosts share their stories about the first time they laid eyes on their partner. https://t.co/f8u2wc159S pic.twitter.com/ewmUQBDw8T
- The View (@TheView) April 12, 2019
Before marrying ( Read more... )

the view (abc), jonas brothers, wendy williams, priyanka chopra, david oyelowo, kardashian / jenner

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carolinalily April 12 2019, 20:03:43 UTC
I think everyone saw that Avenatti was indicted on new charges but icymi

BREAKING: The indictment filed against attorney Michael Avenatti alleges he stole millions of dollars from clients, didn't pay his taxes, committed bank fraud and lied in bankruptcy proceedings. https://t.co/GCxbewxQgJ
- The Associated Press (@AP) April 11, 2019

These details are something else

[Spoiler (click to open)]The 61 pg Southern California indictment of 36 NEW charges alleges he embezzled from a paraplegic man plus four other clients. He deceived them by shuffling money between accounts, only paying them a small portion of their settlement and keeping the rest for himself.

He is also alleged to have not paid his personal income taxes, not paid his business taxes (includes two law firms), and embezzled payroll taxes from his Tully's Coffee chain that he owned. Indictments allege that crimes date back to (at least) 2014.

More allegations: He failed to pay $3.2M in payroll taxes from his coffee chain during a 2+ yr period, then had the employees deposit cash receipts to a different bank account when the IRS came looking for their money. He submitted false tax returns to get $4M in loans from a MI bank in 2014, he owes a former law partner $14M from one of his law firms which subsequently filed bankruptcy, then submitted forms under penalty of perjury that under reported his income during bankruptcy proceedings

One client, a man who became paralyzed after attempting suicide in county jail, received a $4M settlement. But Avenatti kept the settlement for himself, only paying the man in small amounts over a long period as a placeholder and claimed the actual settlement had never been paid. When the man went to purchase a home, Avenatti lied during the escrow period that the settlement was still outstanding. The man's Social Security disability benefits were stopped in February because Avenatti didn't respond to SSA attempts to verify the man's income needs.

For a different client, Avenatti /allegedly/ funneled the $2.75M settlement into several of his bank accounts, then purchased a $2.5M private plane (the plane has been confiscated)



heisenbergbitch April 12 2019, 20:12:05 UTC
oh my God...these details. He is absolute scum! I hope he rots.


cekaycutie April 12 2019, 20:12:17 UTC
Jesus, fuck that guy so much.


groundcrown April 12 2019, 20:19:30 UTC

i KNEW this man was no good and i was so annoyed with everyone who was singing him praises bc he was perceived as "going after" trump when he was very clearly a narcissist cut from the same cloth


kennagt April 12 2019, 20:33:56 UTC
What absolute gutter trash


ohwutevernvm April 12 2019, 21:04:35 UTC
Whew. What a piece of work. Fucked up


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