Grimes: Art Angels is "a piece of crap" and "a stain on my life"

Apr 04, 2019 19:18

For Cultured's April/May issue, c-the musician formerly known as @Grimezsz -floats through the halls of Villa de Leon, just outside Malibu, in an internet-meets-rococo dream captured by photographer Chuck Grant.
- Cultured Magazine (@Cultured_Mag) April 4, 2019

Grimes gave an interview promoting her upcoming album about a demon who loves climate change where she described "Art Angels" (her most critically acclaimed album) as a piece of crap. She thinks people misread it and it's just been a stain on her life.

She also said she lost her "hardcore masculinity" and is no longer free of the bullshit other girls go through after Elon Musk's semen put her under a spell. She wrote a song about this phenomenon:“Specifically how when a dude comes inside you, you become in their thrall-how it’s an attack on your feminist freedom,”

“It’s just interesting to learn about different ways the world works. I was a fucking idiot. The reality of the situation is there is no reality. Everybody thinks there’s an objective truth. The thing is that everybody’s right and everybody’s wrong.”

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who asked for this, music / musician, tmi, interview, grimes
