Mexican musician Armando Vega Gil posts suicide note on twitter denying #MeToo accusations

Apr 01, 2019 12:25

No se culpe a nadie de mi muerte: es un suicidio, una decisión voluntaria, consciente, libre y personal. #MeeToMusicosMexicanos
- Armando Vega Gil (@ArmandoVegaGil) April 1, 2019

Armando Vega Gil, founding member of the band Botellita de Jerez was named as part of the #MeToo movement in Mexico and he poster his suicide note on twitter.

Good night to everyone. Hours ago, on the twitter account #MeTooMusicosMexicanos (#MeTooMexicanMusicians), a girl accused me of abuse and harassment. She says it happened when she was 13, which makes it serious, very serious. Well, I confirm it's a fake accusation. I'm a public figure and I'm constantly with people, a lot of them minors, in my house for interviews, workshops, or simply talks with some of these girls and guys that follow my career, and I maintain communication with them. One of my most important trades is writing and singing for kids, I'm also a father. I have always strived to defend universal children's rights, I'm against their exploitation and abuse, physical and psychological, and I try to make their lives happier with my music and writing. I work with humanitarian associations for disaster relief and getting funding for children without resources for their treatments. The complaint made on #MeTooMusicosMexicanos is anonymous and whoever uses social media has a right to do so, but this puts into question my whole career. I insist, it didn't happen. I would've invited her to talk about this, her with proof and witnesses, and accompanied by consultants and the girls of #MeTooMusicosMexicanos so she could be safe knowing there'd be no threats or retaliation on my part. It's good for women to raise their voice to make our fucked up world change. It's an inalienable right, especially for the women of this country and the whole world. Feminicides, kidnappings, porn, they are a disease that advances in a spectacular way and nothing seems to stop it, and even then, it must stop, however it may be. Anyway, it's a fact that I will lose my jobs, since they're built on my public credibility. My life is stopped, there's no way out. I know I can't defend myself on social media, anything I say can be used against me, and that's a reality that has won its right in the world, because women, crushed by fear and threats, are the main victims of our world. In this perspective, the last thing I want is for my son to be affected by the fake accusation about me. I must clarify that my death is not a confession of guilt, on the contrary, it's a radical declaration of innocence; I only wanna clear the way that my son travels in the future. His orphanhood is a terrible way to violate him, but it's better to have a terrible end than a terror without end. The only way out I see is suicide, so I choose it. I wanna apologize to the women I made uncomfortable with my words and attitudes, the women I hurt with my sexist ways. My fight so far had been to try to me congruent, faithful to my principles. This battle is complicated because men, machos, are creatures of our times. Thanks to everyone who showed solidarity to me, the ones who gave me their love these 64 years. Don't blame anyone for my death: this -the suicide-, is a conscious, voluntary, free and personal decision. See you soon, Armando Vega-Gil.

The band confirmed his death on their twitter:

Con un inmenso pesar, comunicamos que nuestro compañero @ArmandoVegaGil falleció la madrugada de hoy. Nos encontramos procesando esta noticia y haciendo los trámites correspondientes. Descansa en paz hermanito.
- Botellita de Jerez (@HHBotellita) April 1, 2019

Translation: With immense regret, we communicate that our partner @ArmandoVegaGil passed away early today. We are processing this news and doing the corresponding procedures. Rest in peace, little brother.

Source 2

#metoo, sexual misconduct, latino celebrities, death, sexism, that escalated quickly
