We Finally Got a Mötley Crüe Movie and It Was Worth the Wait

Mar 25, 2019 18:09

We Finally Got a Mötley Crüe Movie and It Was Worth the Wait https://t.co/tFBU6iuBx2 via @RAVerBruggen #TheDirt pic.twitter.com/YtHfy0bLW2
- National Review (@NRO) March 22, 2019

Tbh just an excuse to make this post bc I read The Dirt when I was in hospital and I have fond memories. (of pulling through when I was sick, not w/ Motley lmao, but now ( Read more... )

music / musician (rock), music / musician, iwan rheon, british celebrities, netflix, 1980s

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zoaster_toaster March 25 2019, 06:22:29 UTC
I refuse to watch this movie and thought this article is a good summary of why I have made that decision:



patentpending March 25 2019, 07:04:47 UTC
"Nikki Sixx tells a story about taking a drunk woman into a hotel room closet to have sex, then sneaking out and sending a procession of other men into the room after him. He writes that “I had probably gone too far” and that he had “pretty much” raped her - but lest you think he’s experiencing self-reflection, in the very next paragraph he recounts the time he and drummer Tommy Lee brought a homeless woman to Lee’s bed for sex, then stole her clothes."

What the fuck?


readmymiind March 25 2019, 07:08:33 UTC
Disgusting pieces of shit


glitterslugs March 25 2019, 07:14:52 UTC
Yeah theyre trash humans


doriiansz March 25 2019, 07:16:51 UTC
Yeah, fuck them.


ghastly March 25 2019, 12:54:55 UTC
This is horrific, but Nikki is now saying, "I don’t actually recall that story in the book beyond reading it. I have no clue why its in there other than I was outta my head and it’s possibly greatly embellished or [I] made it up. Those words were irresponsible on my part. I am sorry."

According to him, he'd relapsed on drugs & alcohol and doesn't remember talking to Neil Strauss. Obviously, this could very well be (and likely is) Nikki Sixx covering his ass in a #MeToo era -- or it could in fact be embellishments that he realizes now were horrific in nature.

Either way, if it happened, it's disgusting and horrifying, and if it didn't, it's disgusting & horrifying that they thought it was a funny story to include as a picture of "excess" and not abuse.


patentpending March 25 2019, 19:49:44 UTC
Yeah, considering all the equally as awful shit they felt okay owning up to, sounds like he's just trying to cover his ass.


toddies March 25 2019, 20:53:02 UTC
lmfao this is for anyone who believes he made this up: hello! i'm a nigerian prince with a very lucrative offer for you! dm me for details!

like........ imagine giving a man the benefit of the doubt. imagine giving a white musician man the benefit of the doubt. absolutely the fuck not. guilty as fuck.


glitterslugs March 26 2019, 03:07:17 UTC
all of them were still off the rails when the book was published and someone already said nick embellished alot of what happened, i still don't think they're shit bc this shit def still would have happened but i don't think the specific things zoned in in the book actually happened, nick just went to town on vague things they said


ghastly March 26 2019, 04:54:21 UTC
I assume you mean Neil Strauss? I have a longstanding theory that every "memoir" he's been a part of has been heavily embellished, because there's moments in all of them that are very clearly written to be very sensationalized and shock-for-the-sake-of-shock, even when it defies realism ( ... )


honestramblings March 25 2019, 09:01:53 UTC
Wow, what the fuck?!


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