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ms_mmelissa March 25 2019, 04:18:50 UTC
I like all of these foods in moderation. Maybe Shawn Mendes has a very sensitive palate? I like tomatoes in moderation but sometimes it just tastes super acidic. I love oven baked brussel sprouts when they're salted and crispy. Has a nice crunch.

People seem to either love or hate coriander but I'm in the middle on it. It has a strong flavour but if there isn't too much it's fine.

Mayonnaise is also fine in moderation and I like the texture but I really hate when it's glooped on.

My tastes have definitely changed as I've aged and I'm more willing to try stuff as I've gotten older. The one thing I absolutely can't stand is fish or sea food in general. It has this weird watery taste I find super unpleasant. I wonder if I'm allergic because the last time I tried it I felt really queasy afterwards and I couldn't get the aftertaste out of my mouth.


flying_pandas March 25 2019, 12:29:19 UTC
I can't do the texture of tomatoes. Small grape tomatoes are fine, I even sometimes find them quite enjoyable, but anything bigger and it's too gooey for me or something.


dolce_piccante March 25 2019, 15:47:53 UTC
Yeah I hate the viscous seeds. I don’t mind if they’re cookedcinto something but I rarely eat any raw tomato.


kels March 25 2019, 16:54:37 UTC
If you were allergic to fish you would have an allergic reaction; hives, throat swelling shut, etc. You might have an intolerance to seafood, or more likely the way you felt was a psychosomatic response to a food that you simply didn't like the taste.


yeezus_christ March 25 2019, 18:30:26 UTC
the one thing i absolutely can't stand is fish or sea food in general. it has this weird watery taste i find super unpleasant. i wonder if i'm allergic because the last time i tried it i felt really queasy afterwards and i couldn't get the aftertaste out of my mouth.

this was my exact reaction to seafood for most of my life. when i would try to explain it to people they wouldn't understand what i meant by it tastes like the sea and lingers in my mouth. it's still weird to me that i ended up becoming a pescatarian because seafood was always such a hard no for me. that and spinach were always the foods that i was punished and forced to sit at the dinner table until i finished, which i never did. now i eat both regularly.


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