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scullies February 20 2019, 04:30:28 UTC
The new regulations require any athlete who has a Difference of Sexual Development (DSD) that means her levels of circulating testosterone (in serum) are five (5) nmol/L or above and who is androgen-sensitive to meet the following criteria to be eligible to compete in Restricted Events in an International Competition (or set a world record in a Restricted Event at competition that is not an International Competition):

(a) she must be recognised at law either as female or as intersex (or equivalent);

(b) she must reduce her blood testosterone level to below five (5) nmol/L for a continuous period of at least six months (e.g., by use of hormonal contraceptives); and

(c) thereafter she must maintain her blood testosterone level below five (5) nmol/L continuously (ie: whether she is in competition or out of competition) for so long as she wishes to remain eligible.


Most females (including elite female athletes) have low levels of testosterone circulating naturally in their bodies (0.12 to 1.79 nmol/L in blood); while after puberty the normal male range is much higher (7.7 - 29.4 nmol/L). No female would have serum levels of natural testosterone at 5 nmol/L or above unless they have DSD or a tumour. Individuals with DSDs can have very high levels of natural testosterone, extending into and even beyond the normal male range.

from here: https://www.iaaf.org/news/press-release/eligibility-regulations-for-female-classifica


analievelyn February 20 2019, 04:33:24 UTC
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it, as I'm sure the rest of the commenters in this post do.


analievelyn February 20 2019, 04:37:47 UTC
To force someone to take hormonal contraceptives is unethical af imo


hoggege February 20 2019, 06:41:41 UTC
There are so many side effects to them that affect health and wellbeing, even aside from whether or not it is ethical to make someone adjust their natural gifts (which I don't see why it can be - we don't make all athletes be the same height).

idk sports is way outside my wheelhouse but I've known too many women get fucked up by hormonal contraceptives


rubidium February 20 2019, 08:28:48 UTC
lovedforaday February 20 2019, 09:06:14 UTC
how would that work though? what about women with elevated androgen levels but perform at about the same level as women with "normal" testosterone? just seems it would be the same scrutiny and bullshit.


nene718 February 21 2019, 06:57:31 UTC
that idea is so disgustingly sexist i cannot


kawaiiairbender February 20 2019, 12:26:06 UTC
It absolutely is


concreteway February 20 2019, 14:50:11 UTC
But the fairness!!1!


slaughtermatic February 20 2019, 05:34:05 UTC
she must reduce her blood testosterone level to below five

DO THEY KNOW WHAT THIS DOES TO A PERSON???? lmao good luck training or doing anything on the same levels as your opponents while you're popping Diana crying hysterically for 8 hours a day lmao but who cares cry while you crunch be your best


likewowman February 20 2019, 05:57:58 UTC
yeah that's really crossing an ethical line and truly unfair to her


mingemonster February 20 2019, 06:03:15 UTC
And then she'll fail and they can point to her and say "see? she only did well because of all that unfair testosterone". Success!


slaughtermatic February 20 2019, 06:33:27 UTC
the fact that people talk about "unfair" when it takes so much to keep up with your levels and maintain order in your life when you have this...... omfg she is amazing for getting where she is. the psychological aspects alone... people just see a lot of muscle and think it must've been easier to get to that point, as if training is just about picking up heavy shit.


_clochette_ February 20 2019, 06:53:17 UTC
there are misogynistic double standards in many areas of medicine but the one where it’s expected that women should or readily/safely/tolerably/routinely can modify their hormone levels is one that particularly bothers me


concreteway February 20 2019, 14:51:56 UTC
It's incredibly upsetting. It really shows how much she wants to compete again, though :(


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