Liam Neeson addresses the controversial headlines

Feb 05, 2019 22:37

"I'm not a racist."

Actor Liam Neeson addresses the controversial headlines surrounding a decades-old incident centering around rage, revenge and race with @RobinRoberts this morning on @GMA.

Watch the FULL interview HERE:
- Good Morning America (@GMA) February 5, 2019
He sparked a huge controversy ( Read more... )

liam neeson, race / racism

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likeiused2 February 5 2019, 22:25:52 UTC
A lot more people have to unlearn racism than people like to think


merel_93 February 5 2019, 22:41:17 UTC
That is probably true, especially for white people who were born and raised in predominantly white areas. You just copy the behaviour of those you grew up with, I guess


likeiused2 February 5 2019, 23:22:24 UTC
I didn't honestly realize how fucked some of the behavior and thinking I was raised around was until I went to a liberal college...I mean, I realized it before, but I didn't have exposure to another way of thinking or other people until then. school integration is literally still being implemented in parts of this state. it's just nuts. you talk to the kids here and it's obvious they are just parroting whatever they've overheard their friends/parents/teachers/pastors say.


meudail February 6 2019, 06:29:20 UTC
IDK, I've been thinking about this a lot since this Liam Neeson story, and how people have been excusing him because of the culture he was raised in--which I guess can play a role in it--but I was raised in a disturbingly racist household (father/mother hated black people, sister hated Mexicans, etc.), and all I ever remember feeling as a kid was disgust and sadness that they spoke and acted that way. I never had the inclination to hate an entire race based on anything, nor did I mimic their words or actions. It was just always wrong in my head and heart. I think racism can definitely be inherent, not just cultural, and if you allow the hate that others are spreading to get inside you and make you behave a certain way, that trait was already there.


frankthesheep February 6 2019, 16:57:33 UTC
yup. and they act like they deserve props for that.


helders February 5 2019, 22:30:30 UTC
I was thinking about this today. I think that for a lot of racial minorities, bc we go through being treating poorly, we empathize with others more, and thus don't have to "unlearn" blaming an entire race for something.


syvlie0o0 February 5 2019, 22:36:46 UTC
“we empathize with others more”

I would say that’s definitely not true. There are plenty of POC folks who hate other minorities, or sexual orientations, or religions, etc etc etc.

That doesn’t mean they’re gonna go out and murder those people, but I disagree with the empathy part.


myselfdestruct February 5 2019, 22:41:12 UTC
I disagree completely. Its definitely not a kumbaya between the minorities.


helders February 5 2019, 22:43:34 UTC
OK, got it. This is just my experience compared to white hatred. I am a minority and know things aren't perfect.


acidosaur February 6 2019, 16:25:19 UTC
have to disagree on this one. My Afghan partner's entire extended family has a virulent hatred for Jewish people, and have no empathy for them at all. it makes it very difficult for me to have a relationship with him frankly.


helders February 6 2019, 16:26:05 UTC
I already responded, two people have expressed very similar views.


hope this doesn't come off as too harsh or abrasive megisthesex February 5 2019, 22:58:24 UTC
white person here--we don't have to think about race. in the sense that, we never have to think about our own. we see ourselves as the "default", so everything else is up for...whatever we decide it to be (for way lack of a better explanation). because we are the "norm", everything else (i.e., other races), are a deviant, non-norm, and therefore not seen as fully human. its super fucked, and often happens on a very subconscious level. the levels of white-ignorance and hatred vary, but if you are white there is pretty much no way not to have white supremacist ideals penetrate your mind in some way (same could be said for men and the misogyny). unlearning racism is a very real thing that all white people have to do. most won't and will pretend to be "good" white people in public and say super awful things in private. the older i get, the more i've realized that it will likely take me a lifetime to try and undo all the micro-level prejudices my ultra white upbringing instilled in me, but we have to try. hope this did not come off as a " ( ... )


freeze_i_say February 5 2019, 23:16:30 UTC
Unfortunately it’s not a phase


__planitbremix February 6 2019, 01:53:20 UTC
*in soulja boy voice*


freeze_i_say February 6 2019, 06:54:05 UTC
lol omg ilu


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