‘Welcome to Marwen’ Flops With Career-Low Opening for Carell and Zemeckis

Dec 24, 2018 23:51

'Welcome to Marwen' Flops With Career-Low Opening for Steve Carell and Robert Zemeckis https://t.co/pe8g7LW9jr pic.twitter.com/dPMFuZI45P
- TheWrap (@TheWrap) December 23, 2018
Made on a reported $40 million budget, “Marwen” opened to just $2.4 million from 1,911 screens this weekend, well below tracker projections of a $7-10 million opening ( Read more... )

universal / universal studios, flop, steve carell, film - drama

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genbu_no_miko24 December 25 2018, 05:28:02 UTC
Carrell is not having luck with his oscar-baity films.

... )


lanrek December 25 2018, 10:51:17 UTC
Cause he sucks and is a secret republican


safdies December 25 2018, 10:57:45 UTC


lanrek December 25 2018, 11:03:29 UTC
He’s super catholic and refuses to discuss his political views and thinks you have to have a big ego to be involved in politics lol

Usually if you’re of the “I don’t pay attention to politics” mentality and refuse to discuss what you believe then your views more than likely suck and you’re just afraid of being attacked.

Either way, no matter what he believes, not being involved in politics is lazy and a big turn off for me. Especially when you got your start on the daily show?????



solid_girl December 25 2018, 12:10:29 UTC
I don’t agree. If you vote on things that matter and are voting “correctly” so to speak I don’t think you need to be vocal about politics. It’s not everyone’s jam and it isn’t “lazy”. Why must everyone express themselves openly these days? It’s ok to be completely private.


sh0ckeye December 25 2018, 12:46:13 UTC
So it went from 'he is a secret republican!!!' to 'he is not political enough for me so he sucks'. Lmao ontd.


sorryeden December 25 2018, 15:01:16 UTC
That's what people said about Taylor lol


safdies December 25 2018, 13:00:07 UTC
while i kinda agree with the other people who responded to you, that's always been a chip of his i've noticed as well. apolitical and woody allen-oblivious in this climate makes for a willfully ignorant person at least. i do think that's a leap from secret republican when you have 95% of the community here stanning parks and rec and turning a blind eye to people who cut paychecks to assholes like rob lowe who actively throw fundraisers and shut down DC galleries to schmooze with sanders and spicer


swells December 25 2018, 13:00:56 UTC
This is like a major mis-reading of what he said?

"I stay clear of declaring my political choices. I feel like my voice is no more valuable, no less valuable than anyone else’s."

"I think [politics] is a difficult and often unrewarding way of life, because I think there’s so much red tape and maneuvering in political circles to get things done and I just don’t possess that kind of attitude. I think you need a very strong ego, be very self-possessed, and you need a great deal of confidence, but you also have to appeal to a wide spectrum of individuals."

How you manage to pull "big ego" and "lazy" and "secret Republican" from that, I'm not sure.


musicnkisses December 25 2018, 13:25:42 UTC
This the type of shit you say when you irrationally hate someone and want to justify it lmao.


lanrek December 25 2018, 13:33:43 UTC
lolllll bookmarking this for later when he finally starts expressing himself. Who wants to bet it wont be progressive ideals? Anyone?

“secret republican” means exactly what I said and I’m sticking by it. If y’all want to defend Steve Carell of all ppl be my guest 😂

Merry Christmas!


khilow December 25 2018, 15:54:20 UTC
Sad that you wait so desperately to see if a Hollywood actor, who doesn’t even know you exist, is in the opposite political party as you, and because he thinks differently, he’s instantly “evil”.

He could be the most conservative republican, but at least I would respect him for keeping it to himself, rather than the desperate and obnoxious liberal having to be the Grinch.


lanrek December 25 2018, 16:11:58 UTC
And it’s beliefs like “silence equals respect” that got us in this current political climate in the first place.

You can call me sad all you want but hi fellow ONTD’r 👋👋👋👋👋 if I’m sad you’re in the same sad boat with me LOL

But thanks for taking it to an insulting, personal level instead of concentrating on the celeb at hand like we’re supposed to be doing. If Steve fucking Carell 😂 is worth stooping this low then more power to you!


preesi December 25 2018, 17:35:49 UTC
The odds are that he is a liberal, because....COMEDIAN.
Comedy involves a deep level of introspection and critical thinking and the ability to see irony...
Stats show that Republicans are not deep critical thinkers and 90% of comedians are in fact DEMOCRATS...

The very fact that he plays a transvestite in this movie should tell you who he is politically


iamalreadyinuse December 25 2018, 15:58:18 UTC
So sick of his dicaprio-track oscar baity bullshit. Go back to doing something like anchorman.


genbu_no_miko24 December 25 2018, 16:23:13 UTC
Lol I love Leo but for the loooooooooongest I could stand him because of his Oscar bait! I don’t mind actors wanting cause why not? But I hate when they get aggressive about it lol.

It depends on the actor though cause Kate Winslet’s quest for the Oscar never bothered me. Gaga doesn’t bother me either (even though she is silly lol)…I’m hoping she wins and turns up the dramatics!!


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