Steve McQueen Noticed Film Criticism Has a Racism Problem by Reading 'Widows' Reviews

Nov 18, 2018 18:56

Steve McQueen Noticed Film Criticism Has a Racism Problem by Reading #Widows Reviews
- IndieWire (@IndieWire) November 17, 2018

Acclaimed director Steve McQueen is back with his new heist drama 'Widows'. The movie has already garnered a lot of praise from the film critics. It turns out that McQueen has been reading what the critics have to say about his latest directorial effort. In a recent BuzzFeed interview, the director said while reading some of the 'Widows' reviews he’s noticed film criticism has a problem with inherent racism and sexism.

“Through the critique of this movie, I’ve seen sexism in a way and racism in a way, which is interesting, even if it’s a positive review,” McQueen said. “People don’t even notice that, but when you’ve got 90% of the critics are white males, that’s what happens.”

'Widows' features a cast that's dominated by women and actors and actresses of color, which has made it clear to McQueen while reading reviews of the film that subtle racism and sexism is very much a real problem film critics needs to be aware of and correct. The director said the problem should be seen as a call for inclusive field of film reviewers.

“We need more women directors. We need more black directors,” McQueen said. “We need more of a diversity across the board of representations within movies as well as critics.”

McQueen’s comment is just the latest example of a high-profile industry voice championing more inclusive film criticism this year. Brie Larson made headlines over the summer for a speech she gave at the Crystal + Lucy Awards in which she pointed out how most of the reviews for Ava DuVernay’s “A Wrinkle in Time” were written by older white men, a perspective she personally didn’t care for in regards to the respective title.

'Widows' opens with the image of Viola Davis and Liam Neeson in bed together sharing an onscreen kiss. McQueen said the scene is important as it tries to “amplify a mixed-race couple kissing in a way that their tongues onscreen is the first image. If you saw it in the street you wouldn’t think twice of it but somehow on the big screen it sort of amplifies and magnetizes what that is.”

Moments like these in 'Widows' benefit from having an inherent perspective that, as McQueen alluded to in his comments, a majority of white male critics lack.

'Widows' is now in theaters nationwide.


ava duvernay, michelle rodriguez, british celebrities, liam neeson, black celebrities, viola davis, daniel kaluuya, #widows, race / racism, brie larson
