Jamie Dornan likes making babies, wants to keep making babies

Oct 24, 2018 09:01

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- Jamie Dornan, wife Amelia Warner, and their young daughters Dulcie (almost 5) and Elva (almost 3) are expecting baby #3 ( Read more... )

celebrity children / siblings, jimmy kimmel, jamie dornan, late night talk show

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fromyourashes October 24 2018, 02:33:57 UTC
put a cork in it?


maynardsong October 24 2018, 03:40:31 UTC
Yeah, between that and "I only do the fun part" I'm pretty disgusted.

...I'd still fuck him. But he better wrap that shit up and I'll be REALLY diligent about making sure he isn't a fool (oh wait, no, he is a fool) and wraps his tool.


sihaya09 October 24 2018, 13:02:41 UTC
I assumed "I only do the fun part" was about the actual impregnating vs being pregnant, which is super super hard. Not, y'know, parenting.


maynardsong October 24 2018, 14:31:50 UTC
1. I wouldn't take it for granted that his wife isn't doing the lion's share of the not fun parts of parenting.
2. It's still a fact that coming is a lot more fun than sustaining a 9 month pregnancy and then giving birth and then nursing for a year (well actually I think it could be cool to nurse, and some moms have said they enjoy nursing, and it is demonstrably true that it relaxes you enough that lots and lots of moms fall asleep while nursing, BUT my larger point still holds!). So yeah, siring children is more fun than bearing them. And then hearing a man say that on the record without any addendum of, "Yeah, we dudes need to be a lot more humble"? Yeah that shit is obnoxious.


sihaya09 October 24 2018, 14:34:23 UTC
IDK, he was joking around on a talk show and then immediately said it was his wife's call if they had any more.

YMMV. (This coming from an 8-month pregnant lady who is ready to GET THIS KID OUT OF ME.)


maynardsong October 24 2018, 14:36:45 UTC
If I were the wife, I would refuse to touch him until he gets snipped.

...and this is part of the 192835783293759832 no man wants me.


slaughtermatic October 24 2018, 15:27:19 UTC
lmao so he joked on tv about actually not having to do the hard part of being pregnant and that's why it's completely up to his wife not him, he just thinks they make great kids, and because he didn't also add in a serious voice, "of course i shouldn't be jesting about the miracle of childbirth which humbles me deeply" you're quote disgusted?


itsme_eloise October 24 2018, 04:55:27 UTC
after reading a reddit thread about "what's something about giving birth that nobody told you?" I've decided the only acceptable thing for a man to do when the topic comes up is either be reverent toward women or shut the fuck up


fromyourashes October 24 2018, 11:25:49 UTC
oh, jesus


ichigobabe October 24 2018, 13:22:36 UTC
omg i saved that thread for future reference. for 23 years, i was so naive and it never really crossed my mind that postpartum effects can be long-term or for life.


itsme_eloise October 24 2018, 23:41:55 UTC
I feel the need to staple it to the forehead of every man who laments having sex with a woman who literally spent nine months building another person and then expelling it through their body


maynardsong October 24 2018, 14:32:23 UTC


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